
Well.. just one question...why....

by  |  earlier

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That's my question now....

I'm at work. Car dealership. Man in his late 40's comes in to buy a car. His dream car. He gets vamped for it. He then holds his chest and falls to the floor. Cardiac arrest. A co-worker starts CPS, someone else calls an ambulance. They try everything but he's still unconscience and not breathing when they put him in teh EMS. I just got a phone call from the hospital saying he's passed....

I didn't know the man. I don't even really know what he looks like. But since the ambulance came, I've been saying the rosary. I've been praying. And I've been crying. For a complete stranger.... Meanwhile, everyone is continuing as if it's a regular business day. I'm upset and I want to go home... But Why? Why was it this man's time? Why do I react this way to a complete stranger's death? I'm upset and confused and STILL can't stop tearing up and praying for God to take care of him and his family aswell as those co-workers of mine who are taking the rest of the day off so that they don't have an episode...




  1. I would have the same reaction as you...It's very shocking, especially if death isn't something you have come across in life thus far.  This story is touching.

  2. Same thing happened to me at my job. A woman crashed in her airplane. I had never met her and never even said a simple hello but when I saw her crash I cried a lot and prayed. For 2 weeks after that it was the last thing I thought about before going to bed and I cried myself to sleep a few nights. It was very tragic and sad. You have a heart and you care about your fellow human, but if you find you are taking longer than a week or two to get over it, you should see a grief counselor.

  3. You're just a really caring person.

  4. You saw the joy in a person and saw it and his life taken away.  

  5. My only thought on this, I hope the person has gone to a world that is peacefully, And away from this cruel race.

  6. We are all shocked and affected when death comes so close.  It's only human.

    However, it's also human to want to IGNORE those feelings and pretend everything is okay once we are away from it.  To pretend it didn't touch us and we didn't come close to something so... final.  It's a self preservation thing.... we seem to move more towards it as a society every day.

    Perhaps you are just someone who does not ignore their feelings and would rather feel something for these people than pretend it's nothing you should care about.  That is a good thing, in my opinion.  

  7. Its just that you are the type of person who is very caring and doesnt like to watch things die. I mean, its normal, you afterall did see someone die in front of you pretty much. Im very sorry, and i hope you get to take some time off and rest and time alone.

  8. well you r very caring

    but don't worry he is with god and happy.

    this happens sometimes but don't worry his family's going to be ok

  9. you are a really nice person If it was me i would just ignored the fact that, that whole thing happend.

    My guess is that he probably ate something that day he should had

  10. He dies and you are showing compassion for him and his family. This is normal. You obviously haven't been exposed to death much in your life.

    It was just his time. Maybe attending the funeral will put you at rest with this.

    Everybody deals with death differently and as you grow older you will see it more and more.

    Go visit a cemetery sometime and look at the writings on tombstones. It really enlightens you to the fact that many people die before the golden years and it might help you cope easier

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