
Well..kinda suicidal...maybe...?

by  |  earlier

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iv been thinking about death allot, cutting myself just to look at my blood, i dream about killing myself, all day i see things and think"i could use that to kill myself" like a bottle of bleach is not just a bottle of bleach it is poison. a tie is not a tie, it becomes a noose. im not depressed and i love life, i just get suden urges to kill myself, i keep hurting myself and if i dont i get so frustrated and i want to do it more, whats going on?




  1. Sounds like you need to speak to a counselor. There's a term for your disorder but I don't remember it, however, it's treatable with therapy.

  2. Sounds like you are having a hard time dealing with emotions that are skin deep.  Even though you feel like you're not depressed, there may be some lingering memories that are making you want to hurt yourself.

    Seek help, be it a school counselor, an 800-help line, a close friend, family friend, or doctor.  Talk to someone, make it a new goal to see how many days you can go without cutting or hurting yourself.  Keep a diary when these killing thoughts cross your mind instead of acting on them, write about them.  Try other ways to release this stress and thoughts about death.

    Whatever you do, talk to someone you can trust.  Don't keep these thoughts to yourself.  You can pull through this.  Believe!

  3. sounds like you have a serious problem.

    you eathier need to talk to someone

    or go get help before it turns so bad

    that you end up seriously hurting yourself.

    or even end up dying.

    i used to have that problem, but i was depressed.

    i was always finding things to make myself upset about

    to find an excuse to do it.

    are you sure you are not depressed

    or nothing serious is happeneing in your life where you feel

    like you have to hurt yourself?

    if your not sure i would definately get help, its for your own good.  

  4. all i can say is talk to your parents before you do something too dangerous

  5. oh jeez, uhhhh when u get one of those urges, replace it with something else. Like, go eat chocolate, you know? its a quick fix, and just get your mind on simpler things. play games. go to a park with kids. see life in person.

  6. you say you love life...go out and do something that makes you love life when you get these urges.

    your imagination is obviously very vivid so you can imagine this things in your dreams, but it sounds quite serious.

    talk to a responsible person that you can trust, they will be able to help you out and most probably know you better than some people answering your questions. Find someone you can talk to though! good luck, hope all goes well.

  7. don't worry because your not alone. A bunch of other people think the same way... I think that way too sometimes, well a lot actually cus im not liking life right now... I'm 16 btw.. and i started cutting the begining of this summer mostly because of ana/mia. (anorexia/bulimia) I stopped though because i had over 20 cuts on my arm and it started to get obvious (it was obvious at the first cut.. but i try to make myself believe it wasn't lol)... just try to think of other stuff.. idk i cnt help you much since we're in the same situation.. but, at leaste you don't have ana/mia! and please don't start because it sucks  

  8. find a man and just have s*x

  9. Uh, hmm....  Maybe you've been watching too much media of something..  I just don't know what.

    Like, if someone were to watch a super action movie, they'd feel like doing some EXTREME things for a while.

    But depends on how long this has been lasting.

  10. Well your obviously disturbed, or you have a strong fetish for death.  I went through a phase like that when I was about 15 years old.  I was obsessed with death and loved all the aspects about it.  Then I got laid and realized it was sexual tension....  

  11. How old are you???????

    Sounds like you have way too much time on your hands....get off the d**n computer & get out among the living.....there is too much drama on line.....too many people craving attention by saying "I'm going to kill myself....I'm going to kill myself...."

    Do you get off on reading all the bleeding heart..."oh NO go see a doctor"...."oh no, you poor, poor thing you.."

    If you meant to kill yourself, you wouldn't KINDA, would just do it.........

    so stop the BS.........

    Ask a serious question....not just trying to get a rise out of people.........

    Christ there are too many crazies on line........

  12. If you feel that you really do love your life, you might want to see a doctor about it. You might have an actual case of depression. Or you might have strange fetishes over blood and pain. While it may seem like that was a joke, I'm being serious when I say that. I know a lot of people who just love the sight of blood. Best bet would be go to a doctor and see what's wrong.

  13. :[  i kinda have the same feelings, i know its hard to tell your parents and just try and think about life, you are prolly a little bi-polar, try not to be so stressed, like drink green tea, listen to ocean waves on a CD or try acupuncutre. nothing has heped me but im very stubborn so good luck and try :D

  14. i have the same problem...but maybe you just need more attention to feel loved more, hang out with your friends and try to distrat yourself frm those thoughts

  15. Talk to your mom or dad they will help.

    trust me.

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