
Well my family is dead broke and I can't afford to pay for debate camp. Does anyone know how I can resolve it?

by Guest33604  |  earlier

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I still can't afford to pay for the reduced prices I recieve through scholarships and financial aid. Also, it's getting really crutial that i find a solution because camps deadlines are close.




  1. yes, pray to God.

  2. Alright. Unlike others, debate camp sounds amazing. It will build your skills no matter what kind of debate you do, or if you are a novice or varsity debater.

    So, now that the need has been established, let's come up with a plan. There are a few things you could do.

    The first is try to make money. You could babysit, give old clothes to a consignment shop in your area for cash or check, or you could come up witha creative idea.

    Second, come up with a quick but profitable fundraising scheme, for lack of a better word. There are always people who need another Hershey's Kisses and candybar flower vase, or a nice decopauged box. The possibilities are endless as to what you can do. So that is fundraising.

    Third, approach your debate coach, your school counselors, principal, etc. See if they could help you out. I know it seems crazy, but they may be able to offer a portion of the cost of the camp because you will make your team win more next year. You will be an asset to the team, and therefore, they would be inclined to help.

    Fourth, as mentioned in earlier messages, talk to the director of the camp. Really sell yourself. If you have taken first in every tournament this year, mention that. Camps want talented students. Realize that they will be making a sacrifice if they let you in for free or extremely reduced prices, and offer to help as much as you can. Even get there a day early and help set up.

    Last, and probably the least helpful choice, would be to work for a year, and go next summer if possible. I know that's hard, but sometimes you have got to realize that this might not happen this year. If you decide to go this route, you may ask if your acceptance and scholarship can be deferred for a year. When you do this, it says " I really really want to come, but it's not financially possible. I will try my hardest to come next year, and respect the decision that you have made to let me into the camp." This may be the impetus to the camp to have you come without tuition. Possibly.

  3. You need to speak with the debate camp people.  Go up the chain of command and see what they have to say.  They may have options you may not know about or just because you are willing to ask they may help you bridge the gap.

    For example: they may (or may not) have a job that you can help them with while you are at the camp like doing cleanup or something.

  4. cry less.  if you know how to debate, don't go to debate camp.  it sounds just about the lamest thing i've ever heard of.

  5. find something else to do this summer, like get a job.   Then you can save up so you can go to debate camp next summer.  

    Seriously though, debate camp?   You should come to one of my family gatherings, they pretty much are debate camps, but it's free to come and the food is good too..

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