
Well my friend is 19 and is pregnant and she only will keep the baby if some one will like adopt it from her?

by  |  earlier

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soo i was just wondering that could i just adopt it with out going through an agency like let her sign some papers saying that yes she is giving me the rights over to her baby or is it best to get a lawyer to do all this stuff..i really would love to adopt her and my fiance have been ttc for 2 years now...and i dont want to see another babies life taken away because of a mistake that she made....soo please help...thanks




  1. Your friend is highly irresponsible, and if you don't do a legal adoption with an attorney drawing up the papers, you're in for heartbreak as she would probably find ways to take the baby back later on.  

    Considering who's raising her first child, she's highly irresponsible.


  2. babys are the best. but you have to be sure this is what she wants babys dont come with a book saying i need this at this time get a lawyer and see what he says. thats your best thing to do. if i am right she do have 1year to take the baby back after it is giving up. get a lawyer. to be safe

  3. I don't know about the rule but you are a very good person and go for it. God Bless you, and God will always remember you for saving a baby's life, whatever you will go through do it and get blessed. Thank you and again God Bless you.

  4. No way around it, she needs to have an attorney and a judge finalize any adoption processes.

    I would recommend that she go and talk to someone at an agency if she can. That way, at least she has counseling available to her, and in most cases, they will cover any extra costs that she may not be able to afford, ie; insurance, pre natal care, etc.,

  5. All adoptions require a lawyer and a judge even private adoptions.

  6. yea but talk to  lawyer

  7. You have to have a lawyer, adoption agency counsel and a Judge has to approve.  You can't just say "I'll take the baby, sign it over".  I will say though, it sounds as though you may be a little on the young side.....

    The Judge will not allow your boyfriend to be listed as the father either, you'd have to adopt on your own.

    I wish you guys the best..............

  8. It depends on the state you are in. Some states require an agency but most don't. You will need a homestudy that costs from $700-$1800 depending on where you are. An attorney for you and one for the mom....About $2,500 total. And post placement visits at $150-$300 each. You need 2 or 3 depending on your state.

      Another thing you can do is guardianship. She would have the right to change her mind and decide to parent at any time though.

      If she is newly pregnant though, (I am guessing she is early on if concidering abortion) try and be a friend and support her first in keeping the baby. Maybe she is just scared. The best place for a child to be is with the birthparents and an adoption decision really should not be made until much later and after MUCH thought.

  9. As far as i know, she can do just that sign the papers stating she is giving up parental consent and then some paperwork of whom she is giving it to. I dont think you have to go through an agency, but then again it could vary from state to state. I hope this works out for you.

  10. If you truly want to adopt your friend's baby please do it legally by going to an agency or attorney-  however make sure that you and your fiance want to adopt this child- there are PLENTY of couples out there waiting for a baby- so she can find many- I am so thankful that my mom choose life for me and placed me for adoption- and also my 2 adopted children's birth mom's chose life as well- She can find many couples believe me , there are out there- if you are that person- go for it!!

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