
Well my turtle is a baby.would it be ok if i gave him vet-ables or meat?my turtle is a sided red ear.?

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hes a baby and im affaid if i give him anything else he might choke.hes about 1 year and can fit in my palm.(my hand isnt that big.) if i give him veggies will he stop eating his regular food? will he be alright?




  1. OMG i have a turtle too...Umm i think that is not okay

  2. Meat, yes. Vegetables, no, until he is older. Good foods are earthworms, fishes (not goldfish), and soft-bodied insects. When you can't get live food, cut liver into strips and dust it with bone meal.

  3. Here is a good resource to help you out.

    Try not to give him iceberg lettuce, and stay away from spinach also.  My turtle LOVES snow peas in the pod, and carrots.  But, make sure you give him a variety of food.  Also, if you can purchase feeder guppies, they love to chase those around and eat on them.

  4. you are killing him slowly..he needs fish and leafy greens...

    Did you know that they need to bask under a reptile light UVA for 8 to 10 hrs a day for the vitamin D that they need to grow. So that means getting a turtle dock also.

    Leave the heater on 75 to 78 degrees always.

    Their water needs to be clean otherwise they get sick easily from dirty water cause they p**p allot.

    You need a good filter system! Gravel larger than they can swallow.

    You need to feed them feeder guppies, goldfish or minnows for protein and calcium daily drop 20 or so in the tanks and watch them disappear! This way when they swim for their dinner they get exercise also!

    They need leafy greens( Romaine, Butter lettuce. Iceberg and cabbage are bad for them, any leafy greens will do) for vitamin A that they need at least 3 to 4 times a week.

    You probably already know that they get sick easily, shell rot, respiratory sickness, lopsided swimming, coughing,blowing bubbles from his mose, swollen many illnesses.

  5. A one year old Red Ear Slider turtle is a juvenile.  He has a great cutting tool (his beak, or mouth) and front claws, which he uses to shred food into sizes small enough to swallow.  He will grab the food (plant, vegetable, fish, insect, etc.) with his beak, and rip it to pieces with his front claws.  He is not likely to choke, but he is a messy eater.  The tearing/ripping/shredding is good exercise for him.

    You didn't mention what you are presently feeding him, but I'm going to assume it's a commercial food/pellet, since you're asking about meat and veggies.  Pellets alone isn't a complete diet.

    Refer to this site for feeding suggestions:

    If you would like a more complete list of turtle safe plants, please email me at and type FEEDING TURTLES on the subject line.

    Enjoy your pet, and get some fish, insects, and plants into his diet.  He will appreciate it.  Variety is the key to growth and health.

    I hope this has been helpful.

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