
Well that was lovely!?

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My 8 year old is normally so pleasant and well behaved. Today she seemed to have a few slips in attitude and got warned. I tried to do fun things with her throughout the day and give her lots of hugs, as I sensed that her frustration was higher today. I thought she was doing better until this evening. We were in public and she accidentally let the dog loose where he was supposed to be on leash. I told her to get him NOW, as he is not allowed there.! She screamed in public. And screamed "DON"T YELL AT ME!!!". I told her to get to the car now and she stomped off screaming. I couldn't believe it.. this is not like her at all! I handled it as a very serious matter and she is not happy about the punishment at all, but is taking it as expected. I was so embarrassed and I am soooo p-issed-ed off. That was a lovely evening out.... not!

Do your kids who are normally so wonderful have moments where they just get so frustrated and loose it?




  1. I have never had a child that is so "normally so wonderful". This may be where your child is trying you and see how much they can get away with. Children learn things by doing things wrong and trying to get away with things from time to time. This is where I see the child is being in charge. She got away with letting the dog go and not having to o after him. She got her way!

  2. Oh yes.....and it's totally normal.  You could try asking her if there was something in particular that was bothering her today, but more likely than not she was just feeling out of sorts.

  3. Some days my 9 year old sister (I'm 13) has days where she jsut has a bad mood and there is nothing you can say or do to get her out of it. When she has a hissy fit, everyone is told to ingore her. Then afterwards my mom usually talks to her and ask her why she did it what she did. If my sister broke any rules while in her hissy fit she would be reminded. For example, "Jasmin, you yelled at mommy because I couldn't take you to the park. What would have been a better way to handle that?" After she gets an answer my mom will say, "Okay so you understand that is wrong to yell. Now because of your yelling, you need to be punished. What do you think your punishment should be?". Then they will discuss it. Usually it is something like no TV for the night, or loss of a toy/game. Good luck!

  4. I know you want a well behaved child but she is only human and she is allowed to be upset everyonce in a while the key is how you handle it. I would instead of yelling at her when she is clearly upset try talking to her and finding out why she is upset.

  5. Do you? They are human just like the rest of us and can have bad days on occasions. if this is something totally out of the ordinary, I would think that there is something bothering her. Sit down, and talk about it rationally. I am sure you will uncover the truth.

  6. Yes my kids pick the most public places to show their uncommon sense... Your daughter is going thru attitude with parents and it will get worse before it gets better... Stick with the punishment and warn her the next time u head out on a evening with u she better be polite and respectful or she will spend the entire night in the car with u... i did that with our 7 yr old who was running around acting out and he didnt like it one bit but he changed his mind and now i can take him out...

  7. Everyone has bad days - kids -and- adults.  When it's someone you love having a bad day, it's even harder to deal with.  You feel bad for them, you want to help, but you are also more vulnerable to being hurt.

  8. Yes, and it started around 8 years old.  I would say it was normal.  Just keep doing what your doing, as I am sure you know without me saying so!

  9. I would wait until things cool down and take her for a walk or something and talk to her...maybe soemthing deeper is going school with friends or too early for the change???
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