
Well there's this girl I really like and shes totally crazy about another guy. I need advice on girls.?

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Well there's this girl I really like and shes totally crazy about another guy. I need advice on girls.?




  1.  Well if she is CRAZY about you then she must be curious George! I once knew a girl like that . She was least that was the running joke but turns out shes not . I bought her a  T shirt with that on it and she and I  are very best friends . Guess she understands you and is a unique friend. Be careful ...she may find you and then you will be exposed and LIKE it !!  Just don't take a walk down the beach together . She may put you in stiches this time and the guy with the cigarette will follow!!

  2. talk to her as a friend first and maby after a while she'll move on to you talk about everything other then dating so she knows your just a friend then after that let her make the decision on wather or not she wants to be crazy about you


  3. If your open for a heartache, pursue her.  You said it, she is interested with another guy so let it be.  Look for a girl that will also be interested in you to save you time and energy and make you happy.

  4. its simple impress her . try to attract her.

    secondly if u are true lover she'll be yours don't worry

  5. The only advice you need is to stop falling for girls that aren't available.

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