
Well these two work out good together in a marriage???

by  |  earlier

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My bestfriend he's a victim of all sorts of abuse since childhood but's he's grown up alot and is trying hard to make something out of himself...his fiancee is 19 and has had 7 partners in the past and has had a terrible home she's in school as you think they'll be alright married together??




  1. There's no way of knowing how two people will work out as a couple with such little description. You obviously think that they won't work out together and are just looking for fuel to feed that fire.

    Don't butt into your friend's love life if he seems happy with this girl. If they get along really well and they are happy with each other, then it is absolutely not your place to tell him he shouldn't be with her. If she does something wrong to him, then you can talk. But not a moment before then. And don't go spying around trying to find something to rat her out on. It is quite possible that you don't know all the facts.

    Let it go, dude.

  2. Personal pasts dont depict the relationship. Its all about connection, communication, affection, and honesty. Just let it be and see what happens.

  3. Who the h**l knows.  We all hope, wish and pray for the best but you never know what is going to happen.

  4. Well, there isn't much information on either person... And to be honest, even if you left a book about each one, no one would be able to tell if they would make it or not... and even then, be happy or not.

    All I can say is if they want to start a life together, and work hard at their marriage... while there are no sure bets... it could work.

  5. Its really hard to say maybe they should try living together for a while and wait until there a little older to get married.

  6. yes

  7. i think anything is possible with compromise and unconditional love.. i would recommend counseling though.. marriage and adult syndrome.. they fit the profile

  8. This is a question for the Magic 8-Ball.

  9. Yes since they have much in common.

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