
Well this Russian and American stand off is escalating .?

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why can't America mined its own business we are in Europe not them




  1. Why should the Europeans and US be doing anything? Why should Britain stick our nose into other people's business when it is none of ours? It is nosiness that gets people into trouble.  

  2. In the 60s, president kennedy almost started WW3 because the Russians were installing missiles in Cuba which was well within range of striking targets in America. Eventually, the Russians withdrew the missiles from Cuba. Now, when America installs missiles in Poland, and the rusians object because they are in range of Russian targets, does America back down. AS for georgia, The Russians went in to take back their territory that the georgians had made an undeclared invasion of, America condemns them for it. Again, America invades Iraq illegallly and when Russia objects to that, Bush ignores the demands to withdraw the American troops. Think About it!!

  3. Europeans are a cowardly Continent.They would rather see death and injustice than say anything against,it might hurt their trading interests.Sweep it under the carpet and pretend it's not happening.

    The Americans have shown that they will stand up for injustices to Georgia and they are Russia's biggest trading partner.Only whilst hiding under the coat tails of America does Europe start saying anything against and then quickly hiding again.Without America,Europe would be a basket case.l am Polish,born in Germany,lived in the netherlands and educated in Britain.America does have to be praised (at times)

  4. This is the fifth question about Russia you've posted in the last two hours. Go to sleep, its past your bedtime.

  5. Because George Bush must be bored and has decided to stir up European affairs.

  6. You do know that Georgia was a close U.S. ally with the 3rd largest number of combat troops fighting in Iraq before this whole thing happened.Russia was trying to tell Georgia that one of its provinces have the right to be independent I believe Russia is the one that is meddling.Do I agree with the way Georgia handled the situation absolutely not.This time I do not believe the U.S. is in the wrong because Georgia and the U.S. had very close ties before this whole incident occurred.The U.S. is just trying to help its ally.BTW did you read any of the news articles about the situation?

  7. Ive just heard hes paying poland big money to join in...what is his game.....rumour has it he wants to build a base in poland....something is brewing...

    Hey THE MECHANIC youre british right watch sky 512 then you will know more about this war.. georgia bombed the **** out of ossetia and now russia has stepped in to save their people gorgia has gone crawling to bush for fact usa have paid for all georgias military arms..

  8. I'm only concerned about the hundreds of Russian and Georgian people traffickers, drug dealers and organised criminals that are a blight on the once great city of London. If they want to kill each other at home let them.

  9. If you think that a large country crushing a small defenceless county is not a cause for great concern , i would think again we are one of those small countries that would stand little chance against Russia although we could give them a painful bloody nose, but i bet you would soon ask why the yanks are not defending us if we were in the same situation. Burying your head in the sand will not make a nasty situation go away.

  10. It is not escalating because Russia cannot afford that anymore than the US want it.

    It is words and diplomatic threats with the only positive European move coming from the French.

    The original US/USSR deal on Europe is that at least it was in the middle and could be used as a battleground so that neither US/USSR suffered at home. Cmes down to being a superpower  

  11. What are the Europeans doing?

  12. america is helping out georgia against russia becuz georgia is the 3rd biggest supporter behind the war on terror behind america and england

  13. Exactly.They are also in Korea upsetting the NKs with "war games"!


  14. i totally agree with you but what can we do?

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