
Well what are those scientist having to say about global warming for this year?

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Well what are those scientist having to say about global warming for this year?




  1. Today's news is the Ross Iceshelf in Antarctica has broken loose. Loss of 25 mile squared this season which is just ending, and a much larger collapse is expected next season

  2. Look first of all every disasters have their own turn. The rate of global warming is increasing day by day and it is in the mouth of every layman. In the year 2008 the population of the world will increase by 10%-15% approx. with the help of estimation and thus furthur increasing the rate of global warming. Scientiests are not,as you know, goofy persons.

    They presently estimate that with this rate all the polar ice caps will begin to melt at a rapid rate within 2100 . What about that????? (I was formerly a geologist actually)

  3. Most of them say it is still a problem for the future, although there are ups and downs in the warming cycles.   Those that deny that it is man made or a problem are possibly puppets of the oil industry or are right wing Republicans who do not want to inhibit industry.  

    Edit:  Come on, Arkadev.   I agree with you basically, but the population is not increasing at 10% to 15% per year.   At that rate it would double in 6 or 7 years.

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