
Well what do u all think!! Please answer?

by  |  earlier

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Ok my cycles normally run 32-33 days, but last month it ran 39 days, one full week late. So i got my last period on July 24th. I didn't know when i was ovulating due to the fact my last period was late, so we had s*x on Aug 7, 11,13,15,17, and the 20th. Do u think we covered our basis? When would a home pregnancy test work since I'm not sure when my next period would be? I did enter all my last few months of cycles into this fertility calendar which gives u an average of when u may ovulate if u have irregular cycles. And it said Aug 13 was its estimate with a possible start of period on the 27th. So what do u guys all think? Any help would greatly be appreciated!




  1. Get a blood test at the doctors this can show as early a two weeks after conception, a home pregnancy test should be done the first day of your missed period. GOOD LUCK.

  2. Well, I would say you did cover the bases! *lol*  We are also trying, for our first, and I have done a lot of reading.  I would say take the first test when the calendar said to expect your period.  If it is negative, wait a few more days and take another.  If you notice a bit of bleeding, but it is really light, that could be the embryo implanting (which means you are pregnant!).  But it isn't until the embryo implants that you can test.  So it is best to wait until right before you period or as soon as you miss.

    Good Luck and Baby Dust!

  3. I'm not quite sure, but you might have a baby because of the span of the days you had s*x on

  4. Do a test middle of september I'd say.....

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