
Well what do we think of "Rutin Putin" now folks?

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For a long time the american press loved this guy Vladimir Putin like Brad Pitt or something when many commentaters like Mr. Limbaugh saw right through the ex KGB man. I wonder why our elitist press always gets it wrong, hhhuuummm?




  1. The conflict definitely looks to be US and Israeli inspired.

    The creation of the conflict in Georgia is intended to block Russia from materially supporting IRAN during the impending invasion.

    Israeli military advisors were involved with the Georgian offensive against South Ossetia {pop 70,000}.

    On 14th July Georgian & US troops started a joint military exercise.

    The OSSETIANS speak ossetic, an Iranian language. They're descended from Iranian tribes of Eurasia.

    They became CHRISTIANS during the early middle ages.

    From 1922 Ossetia was part of the USSR.

    Many of them would have Russian passports. Unlike Kosovo, the US will not support an independent South Ossetia.

    That's the reason why the US media is so biased on this issue !!

  2. He Is A Dangerous Man And IS Threat To US

  3. Russia killed Beria because they feared the consequences of the head of the KGB getting so much power - proves how right they were then and how wrong they were to elect Putin!!

    Sadly little people try to act big to impress but the truth is his waring has had to stop because he was told to stop by America and the West!!

  4. he has trouble getting rid of bad habits.

  5. Long Live Putin !

    USA should have never interviered with other country's affair !

    Rush Limbaugh can go to h**l with their FOX CNN and BBC

    USA wants to make russia it's puppet GO TO h**l

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