
Well why is it that when ppl come to this catagory2ask questionsNthe paranormal some others merely post jokes?

by  |  earlier

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if your one of them, why do you do this?

it's silly




  1. The jokes aren't the only silly things around here.Watch out, a lot of people find the s-word offensive.I always thought it was pretty harmless but apparently I was wrong.

  2. You will see this happen in just about every category.

    I do not post goof answers unless the question is clearly a goof question.  Some people do post some answers that could be interpreted by some as immature, but that's a personal interpretation.  You must take the bad with the good.  That's the price of free speech.

    On the other hand, how do you expect to be taken seriously when your question is expressed as if you yourself are mentally impaired?

  3. In this category, what's the difference?

  4. B/C they don't realize that paranormal is for real!  They need to stay off this type of catagory and go to jokes!!

    My daughter's home has something going on in it and I don't think it's funny when ppl act stupid just b/c they DON'T BELIEVE!!!

  5. Ouija wanna have fun!

  6. Because the whole category is a joke. Paranormal implies that something is above or beyond normal. And if a phenomenon is not normal, that is probably because it isn't real or it can't happen.

  7. thats just the way it is. welcome to life. Pretty soon, even making a joke at somebody will be a federal hate crime. its not cool, or sensitive, its how you have to deal with the world.

  8. I've only been around for a few weeks, but I'm guessing that this exact question comes up quite a lot around here.  So.... even though there probably is not officially a drinking game for this category...


  9. I think all questions should be treated on their merits, and logical thought applied.

    If an adult asks questions which imply belief in, say, the Easter bunny, or poultergeists, or leprechauns, or werewolves, or the Loch Ness monster, it is quite difficult to know how to respond appropriately.  Usually the best response is just to apply rationality.  Some people take this to be offensive to their beliefs.


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