
Well why is so we that we all think different and unique but commit same errors?

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Well why is so we that we all think different and unique but commit same errors?




  1. A beautiful question and thought provoking too. We are all made differently since God likes variety. There is no charm in creation, if all are made alike.  Regarding errors, we all share the senses in common. Hence we succumb to the same errors.  

  2. i think because our aim becomes the same at a point of time and we just end there only, where others are with us...means with the same errors...

    hope this helps...

    $$** LIVE LIFE KING SIZE **$$

  3. The ego is not unique. It tries to make us think we are separate, competitive, sinful, temporary, needy. We are One, abundant, joy lies in our cooperation, eternal and without limitation.

  4. What if the situation is same & there are only limited options to choose from & those are- succeed or fail & so if one makes error, he'll automatically be assigned to option 2.

    Its not the same error which we make but the same result that we get while facing an identical problem or situation.

  5. Humans always do what they dont want to....    Its a human nature

  6. coz destination is same and paths are diffrent......................

  7. thinking and acting are is through mind and the other is through senses.since we are men living in same typeof circumstancesour actions rt/wrong are almost similar.hence inspite of thinking differently most poeple act in the same way..they may b errors too.

  8. as we dont think differently. there is a difference between thinking different and thinking differently.

    Hence the errors are same .

  9. We all live in the same world and our thinking isn't as different and unique as we might like to think. We are members of our culture which has consistently made the same mistakes over and over. Each generation must learn anew what the older, powerless generation already knows.

  10. Because we are human and there is only so much sin in the world.

  11. We certainly do not. Errors are simply the outcomes we didn't expect or want. Errors in return are subjective, result of individual experience. As individually the situation was unique and hence errors in turn will be subjective and unique as well.

    Of course the errors committed are same in the sense of situation. Meaning how many different people make a mistake that is similar. Well in that sense many different people even if they are unique share many similarities and have similar opinions. People who like the color blue, or oppose death penalty, love scent of rose, are in love etc.

    It is simply when we consider thinking, personality or uniqueness - it simply has unlimited variables. Outcomes on the other hand are limited. Many different scenarios & circumstances can lead to a single error.  

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