
Well wouldnt it be kinda hard for a hacker to just put saved images on your computer

by  |  earlier

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SAVED IMAGES AS IN A NUDE PICS ACTUALLY A LOT.i AM ASKING BECAUSE MY HUSBAND IS TELLING ME THAT IS HOW THEY GOT HERE NOT BECAUSE OF HIM.tHE IS NO p**n SITE OR OBVIOUS THINGS.iTS LIKE PICS OF GIRLS LIKE HOMEPICS IN SAVED IMAGE FORM.HE IS TRYING TO SAY THAT SOMEONE MUST BE USING IT AS A SEVER.SPY WARE ZONE ALARM AND AVG ARE ALL RUNNING.there is a firewall up what i am asking is if there is nothing else remotely suspicious and only a zip file containing pics and single separate pics?would it be likely from a hacker or a user on the computer?Also the zip file has a name which has a saying in it that he uses all the time.Seems too fishy to me.i don't know a lot about computers he does so thats why i am asking plus i need to know.




  1. Yep.  Hackers from all over the world are hacking into your computer to put pics of p**n so they can .......... ????

    So obviously he doesn't  mind if you get rid of it all and add all kinds of free spyware/malware/virus protection plus a better firewall.

    And send me those zipped files.  I need to check them to see if I can track down the hackers.    (joke)

  2. Honey he is lying!!!!! Unless its in the "cookies" files it didnt come from the net. The only way I know someone could do that is through remote connect or hackng into you router, if your using one and its not password protected. However, thats highly likely. Especially since the folder was named something to "fit in" on the PC. Tell him he is full of **** and you know more then he THINKS you know. He is using your lack of expierence...and I would be offended if my man thought I was that stupid!!  

  3. It is possible and fairly easy for most hackers but, it doesn't make sense. Hackers don't waste their time downloading p**n on other people's computers (unless it's some immature 10 year old thinking it's funny). There are some "wild" viruses that may do the same thing though. My opinion is your husband is downloading it don't be too harsh on him though it's a guy thing.

  4. It is fairly easy to get images/files/executables onto another computer via alternate data streams, wrapping pictures within pictures, etc... but I would say the most obvious cause for this type of "virus" is that your husband is too retarded to think up a better excuse or hide the pics properly. But like the other dude said... its a guy thing, don't take it too personal, as goofy as that may sound.

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