
Wellbutrin XL Anti-Depressant mixed with Prozac?

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For quite a few years now I have had a major temper and slight depression. Well about 4 weeks ago I blew up and my depression got to be too much for me to handle, so I went to my local doctor. I currently have no job and no insurance, so she gave me 4 free samples of Wellbutrin XL 150mg (28 pills), and scheduled a follow-up to see how it was working. Well now I am down to 5 pills, and I won't have enough to make it to my doctors appointment (7 days short). She is on vacation, so I can't call her and re-schedule.

Should I just call the doctors office and see if I can get another free sample to last me until the appointment? Do you think they would?

My girlfriend's mom said it is a BAD idea to stop cold turkey like that, and if the doctor won't give me anymore, she would give me some of her Prozac 80mg to hold me over, and I could just take 2 per day (160mg). That sounds like a BAD idea to me.. but would it be okay?

Also, how much is a perscription of this going to cost me with absolutely NO insurance?




  1. You should try to get another free sample of wellbutrin.  But prozac is much more effective. Though it takes a long time to take effect. And you shouldn't mix two antidepressants.

  2. dont dont dont take any medicines of that kind

  3. It is illegal for a doctor not to have a backup doctor to cover patient emergencies which your situation qualifies. Insist on getting a call back from the doctor covering your regular doctor, he or she can help you out.

    Wellbutrin is less likely to aggravate aggression or anger issues then Prozac.

    Wellbutrin will cost between 90 cents to 1.50 a pill. You can get it cheapest by getting a 3 month RX and purchasing it online. Just be careful what online merchant you chose.

    Many states also offer medical for those who are unemployed. California has Medi-cal and although without a child they won't give you money, you can get the healthcare.

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