
Wells Fargo Gold Check Card Question?

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I have a gold check card and I was looking to sign up for Paypal (with the card, I already signed up for Paypal threw my bank account) and iTunes. I enter all my info but it says my card number is invalid. On Paypal, it says you can use a debit/check card (which is what I have) but it doesn't work. I activated it threw using an ATM instead of calling the number so I am wondering if that is the problem. Or, is my card no eligible for online shopping and things like that?




  1. maby the card number is wrong

  2. Sometimes, the Wells Fargo system messes up and only activates the ATM portion of the card, and not the "credit card" part of the card (the part you need for online purchases).

    Go into a bank this week and have the teller check it on SVP (store vision platform).  If they can't figure it out, have them call their internal 800 number.

  3. make sure the card has a visa logo on it (I assume it is because you said its a Gold Check Card) And that you are entering all 16 digits on the front correctly, the expiration date (if Paypal is asking for a month day and year make the day the last day of the month the car expires, example if the card shows an expiration of 7/09 then the full expiration date is 7/31/09. Also be sure you are entering the 3 digit code on the back correctly, if they are asking for it.

    If all of that is correct and it still doesn't work, call the bank, there may have been a red flag that went up that they wanted to make sure it was you setting up the paypal account. The card may also not be fully activated if you did that through an ATM (for some reason sometimes there are issues when a card is activated like that) the customer service line can help you, and they can see if its Wells Fargo that is sending the decline, or if WF is not getting all the correct info.

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