
Wen is a good time to tell my mom im pregnant at 15?

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Wen is a good time to tell my mom im pregnant at 15?




  1. The sooner the better. If you wait too long and tell her that you're 4 months pregnant or whatever, then she will feel that you have lied to her, not once, but for a full 4 months. Tell her as soon as possible. It'll be hard, but you really need her support as soon as you can get it.

  2. Well um make it like a happy thing.Not like it's a drama scene.Um just make it like Juno!

    I support pregnant teens and women!

    Oh and keep the baby.Never get a abortion!

  3. you have to tell her sometime or another. so just get it over with. yes it will be super hard!! but she will be sad, angry, upset, and dissapointed in you..but she'll still love you so don't worry about that.

    do it sooner because you wont be so worried and stressed out if you wait a long time and it will be a huge weight of your shoulders.

    and plus you need to see doctors, you'll need someone there for you when you need someone to talk to or need help. so tell your mom now so she can be that person whos there for you and the baby will need alot of care, going to the doctor for exams and stuff, and if you wait, you might not get to the doctor when you need to, and something might happen to the baby.

    i wish you all the best =)

  4. everyone picks mine for best answers (:

    here it took me hrs to find just for you

    your welcome!

  5. ASAP. You  should tell her now that way she has time to get over the shock of it, and for you two to sit down and talk about it. You will also need to schedule a dr.s appt. and I know having someone there with you, esp. your mom will help out a great deal. Now is the time more than ever that you will need your mom. Tell her, you're going to need her. Good luck!

  6. Okay, uh, like the next time you see her. And then let someone take care of the baby for you, don't abort it, and go back to your studies

  7. Depends on if you want to tell her or keep it from her, whether or not you want to get an abortion (which also depends on what state you are in and how far you are into pregnancy).

    If you have the intentions of keeping the baby, then you should tell her as soon as possible. Prenatal care is very important to have a healthy baby and a successful birth. Don't do the obvious smoking/drinking but there are things that a doctor will check to make sure the pregnancy is going well.

    If you are planning to have an abortion, then it depends on what state you are in. Some states require consent from parents, others require approval of just a judge. Please consider the emotional and physical consequences of keeping the baby or having an abortion before you make your decision.

  8. you should tell her as soon as possible.if you and ur mom are good together you should tell her as quickly as possible.but beware things might not go all happy and slow, there might be some fighting involved but just be honist with her. hope it goes well!

  9. i'm going to tell you straight out, there's never going to be a good time to tell your mother that her underaged daughter is pregnant. she will be mad but that can't stop you from telling her. any time, as soon as possible you have to do it.

  10. I don't think there will be a good time to tell your mom that you are pregnant at age 15, but you do need to tell your mom as soon as possible, the sooner, the better!!

  11. ASAP. You have options though as well. There is abortion (if it still is early), adoption, and keeping it. These are serious questions about the quality of life you want for this child. You must tell your parents ASAP though

  12. as soon as possible that way she can help you get through it.  but she will be dissapointed in you either way but she will no doubt do whatever it takes to help so tell her ASAP, because she will find out sooner or later.

    Good Luck.

  13. Now would be a good time.This away you both can have a heart to heart on what happens next and you can get the kind of care you and your baby needs. She might be upset at first but as time goes by things will get better. Regardless on how things look now it will get better.

  14. There is no good time, you just have to do it. If you're grown up enough to get yourself prego, you should be grown up enough to face your mom.

  15. Probably as soon as possible, so you can talk about your options and start getting good prenatal care if you are keeping the baby.

  16. as soon as you have a chance to sit her down and tell her. you're going to need her help and you need to get to a doctor so they can make sure everything is ok.

  17. i believe its better to tell them right away......

    u might need their help well if they do.....

    but i think u should have a talk with your partner and talk bout the plans for this child and then mention the plans to your parents

  18. theres no "good" time to tell news like that bc most parents will still be upset but i would try sometime when shes not in public and in the evening so that way she doesnt have all day to keep at it and youll get a little break during the night to get over the shock of actually having told her that you are pregnant. basically you have to bite the bullet and it sucks but she'll get over it eventually, just doesnt seem like it at first...

  19. DO not listen to some of these rude ppl on here. My sister was also 15 and scared to tell my mother and father but her little mistake is now turning 10 this yr and if anything she was a blessing it got my sister out of trouble and she grew up quickly.  My parents were upset but they got over as that is there daughter and they love her.  She is now married with 4 girls at 26 lol

    I know it is scary but don't rush for an abortion its a choice you will have to make not these ppl or your family just you.

    No time is a good time but no bother pushing it off. If you want to waite to make sure everything i good with your pregnancy they say usually around 12 weeks your in the safe

    zone so 2.5 months from your last period.  

    Wish you the best of luck with everything.

  20. Tell her when you're home. Watching TV, and slowly start the conversation.


    If you keep telling yourself " i will do it tomorrow"

    That won't help

    The truth has to come out !


  21. At fifteen years old, there isn't going to be any good time to tell her.  You just need to muster up all the courage you can and tell her.

    But perhaps you should consider what your plans are for your future and the baby's, whether you intend to keep it or not, how you plan on caring for the baby, finishing school, and working to at least meet some of the baby's expenses, and so forth.  Does the baby's father intend to be involved?  Figure out some of these things so that you can show her you have given the matter some thought before you just sit her down and say "Mom, I'm pregnant."

    Best of luck to you.

  22. It's WHEN    not wen

    Tell her now...not telling her will only make it worse. This way when she gets over the shock you 2 can talk about it calmly and get the boy, AZ over too.

    You knew better at 15 to have unprotected s*x and this is what happens. Don't you kids even listen to adults??

  23. jeez you guys, she made a mistake,

    a very big one,

    but thats not whats important right now, im sure everyone has been telling her all these things, so right now she needs support.

    you have to break it to your mom soon, because you will start showing and that will only make it harder.

    *i wish you and the baby the best of luck.**

  24. today. you need to tell her as soon as possible so she you guys can figure out a plan. she'll find out at some point, so it's best to get it over with.  you need to go to the doctor and take prenatal vitamins and prepare in lots of other ways, and since your going to have to tell her at some point, the sooner you tell her the sooner she can help you.

  25. whoa its like reliving the secret life of the american teenager. oooooh u should tape your whole life and send it in to abc family and maybe ull have ur own show! then ull b rich and u can run away AND NEVER TELL UR MOM. or wait to see wat amy does on the show

  26. Well I would write it in a letter if I was you....and I wish you the best of luck...and don't do anything that you think you will one day regret =), if you need to talk email me!

  27. right away!!! think about the baby, yur mom needs to help you through the pregnancy and can help you with medical stuff.good luck!

  28. Please tell her right away! You have the blessed opportunity to give life to someone, and the sooner u can get help the better. My cousin waited and she lost her son. I beg u to please not make that same mistake again. Please do the right thing. Good luck sweetie!!

  29. This is not good time

    but the best time is when she is not tired, hungry and stressed

    out from life.  You pick a time when she won't freak out

    like she is driving or in the middle of an

    argument  ..maybe when the sun is out so it won't be so much of a shock..Most parents are stronger then you think

    I bet she has rehearsed this scene a thousand times in her are not the first nor will you be the last girl to become a women before she really had a chance to grow up

    Welcome to the world of facing your responsibilities..Good


  30. If you plan to keep the baby, I would wait until the point that you can no longer abort, unless you are confident your parent wont bring up the option. That would be 3 mos. in most states, plus you also would want to make sure the baby 'sticks' and that you dont miscarry before you tell your parents. But then again, you may want moral support in case you do miscarry, so its really your call.

  31. Very soon. Just sit her down and tell her and make sure she won't freak out or be too dramatic and she needs to be understanding. These things unfortunately happen.

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