
Wen they were both in thier prime, who would win in a fight, chuck Norris or Steven Seagal?

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Wen they were both in thier prime, who would win in a fight, chuck Norris or Steven Seagal?




  1. Yes, I second the roudhouse kick to your head. Of course Chuck Norris. Is this really a question?

  2. chuck norris duh.. because he doesnt do push up he pushes the world down.. and chuck norris doesnt sleep he waits...

  3. Seagal by far. Norris is good but I've seen him get his *** handed to him. He really isnt that good.

    (Seagal was in CIA and seeing what he knows I can asume that he has killed people, thus giving him more exp)

  4. Karate and all 'atemi styles' were designed to defeat the Aikijitsu of the samurai.

    But Chuck Norris did not practice karate, he did Tang So Do.

  5. My sympathies to you.  While I was typing Chuck Norris round house kicked you in the head.  What did you learn?

  6. chuck norris. seagals karate chop cant toch the roundhouse kick chuck dishes out. chuck would chuck steven.

  7. Norris. He actually did defeat Bruce Lee, But Lee knew more styles, and outdid him in that a few times.

    Steven Seagal was good at breaking necks, but I doubt he's make it in to Chuck's neck-range.

  8. Chuck Norris. Why? Because the speed of Chuck Norris is faster than the speed of light :)

  9. steven seagal

  10. definitely chuck. seagal would get beat down by the roundhouse kick.

  11. Chuck would have blaarrghed Steven

    Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door

  12. Chuck Norris trained with Bruce Lee.

    Chuck Norris doesn't read books, he stares them down until he gets the information he wants.

  13. I'd put my money on Seagal, he was recruited to train in Japan, recommended by a Japanese instructor for stunt work originally.  Seagal is also 6'4" and all he need to go is get hold of Norris.  WIth those flash high kicks of Norris, it wouldn't take long

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