
Wenger wants to extend Theo’s contract

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Arsenal’s manager, Arsene Wenger has gone on to confirm that he is still looking to extend Theo Walcott’s stay at the Emirates.
The Gunners boss is well aware of the fact that the winger is in the last year of his contract with the club, but so far a contract extension hasn’t been signed by the player.
The manager has now gone on to reveal that not only is he willing to extend the player’s stay at the club, he is also more than happy to try playing him as a striker, which is the player’s position of choice on the pitch.
When talking about Walcott and his future at the Emirates, the manager went on to state: "My determination has always been the same - to extend his contract"
Wenger also went on to confirm that the attacker finally had his first run today, following a chest injury which he picked up, while away on international duty. Based on his performances in training, the Gunners boss is confident that Theo will be back in
action in the near future.
"Theo had his first run today, he looked quite good and should be back shortly."
However, the manager also went on to admit that the team needed to perform in their upcoming game in the Champions League, given the weak performance that they put in against Norwich.
"We have got over it and we will focus on the next one," he added. "I expect a strong response. The players were very disappointed after we lost to Norwich.”
"Santi [Cazorla] was a bit flat on Saturday but Norwich defended consistently."
The Frenchman then went on to end by stating that he was very happy with the new found attitude around the club. He feels the team’s players are mentally way superior to what they did previously.
He especially went on to hail the German internationals, who he feels have provided a very strong mental push to the team.
"They are ready to work hard and have a very strong team attitude. I welcome that."
It is now a wait to see if Theo stays at the club, and just how the team performs in Europe.



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