
Went back to school, what do i do now?

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i need advice from someone who has been where i am. I had a good job I loved but I wanted more. My new dm wouldnt let me finish the last 2 semesters of school. I gave notice and got my BS in business. I work for a finance co now but, after a month I have discovered I hate the job. It is pushy and I feel like im pushing people who cant afford to borrow money borrow more and more, constant collection calls to them almost like harassment and pressure to get loan after loan. My coworkers either think Im a threat, have it too easy being hired for a position I did not earn or downright mean. I have been doing this for years, I am not a 21 or 22 year old punk who just got out of school. I worked hard for school even paid for all but 10,000 ( i had to get a loan for the last 2 semesters). Working 60+ hours a week and driving 2+ hours for school not to mention 2 years of no sleep has not been fun. I live in a small town were a degree is just a piece of paper im prob worse off now because I am educated. I have been in management for 15 years. I wanted more now I feel like I have painted myself in a corner. I love management but found I hate sales in the low end finance business. The benifits are awsome and the money is ok so i cant quit without a better offer. Jobs over 35,000 a year in my area seem invisiable. Should I risk it all and try to move to a bigger city. I live in a sister's aunt's cousin, brother town, (in other words gotta know someone to get somewhere). When I try to put in applications they don't seem to get past the manager who thinks i am after their job. I am beyond frustrated. Go to the department of labor and you can get a job making $7.00 an hour. They told me for the jobs I am looking for are out of their league. I thought an education would make things easier. I was so wrong. Should I try to tough it out. I own my home so moving is going to be a big risk. So i guess im scared, depressed and in need of some advice. Has anyone been in a situation like this? If so what did they do? I feel like I was better off before the degree. At least people didn't act like this towards me. Its not the customers they have known me for years as this store or that store manager. I want to own my own business one day so i thought a finance job could help me. Maybe it is the small town philosophy. Anyone with any advice for a 32 year old college grad that might understand. I wanted a DM job my school ruined that now what??????




  1. Get a head hunter, someone to find a job for you.

    Good luck!

  2. I think the best one to answer this question is you.

    If you find that the current job is giving you headaches, shoulder pain and stress then definitely look around.

    If you want to move to the city and there are no complications then perhaps that is the next move.

    You might want to talk to the job and career placement service at your local college for help and advice.  

    Having a solid education is always great.  Never mind what employers want.  You should be proud of your accomplishments and network, use the internet and apply to jobs that sound interesting.

    Even in this down job market people are being hired and moving and changing jobs every day.  May the next success story be yours.

    ps: I would quit any job that wrecks my physical/mental/emotional health and my self esteem.  I have done it many times and have always landed on my feet better off than before.  

  3. i think i would avoid poster number one -- i sense a scam when he said it will not cost too much -- finding a great job one would not worry about the cost --- that said i think it is time you grow wings and fly out of the small town -- float resume out in the finanical circles and see what develops = maybe you could find a branch manager at some credit union!!!

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