
Went through a red light - will I be caught?

by Guest65445  |  earlier

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I went through a red light in England. Is it likely I will be caught by a camera or any other device? I am not aware of any cameras on the particular set of traffic lights that I crossed so do you think I got away with it? If anyone could give an overview of the type of cameras on traffic lights that would also help - does every set of traffic lights have cameras?




  1. Okay i dont live in england but i can tell you not all traffic lights have cameras. If they did it would become to costly. If there was a traffic light you probobly did get caught. Pass the intersection you crossed in a red light and see if there was a camera. taffic cameras are huge and noticble.

    Good luck!

    If you did get caught you can look at a 400 -500 euro fine.

    Good luck again

    hope i helped

  2. There are always cameras on on the poles of the street lights in busy areas. But because the only thing you did was going through a red light, you probably won't get bothered with it because there are a lot of others who probably did the same thing. Well, that's my thought because I live in the U.S.  

  3. If you were not caught on camera or reported then you will get away with it.

  4. Most things have cameras on these days - some are made to look like part of the equipment, so you'd never know if there was a camera there or not. You'll only know if you were caught when you get a penalty notice.

  5. To get this right for you, many traffic lights have cameras associated with them, and not just in big cities. There's one just down the road from here (a rural area).  They can appear anywhere that accident statistics make it appropriate. Usually it's the big yellow box of a Gatso, which gives the characteristic double flash as it catches you, though some now are different. The little black box on top of some lights is not a camera, but a traffic sensor.  If you were caught, a notice will be put in the post to you within 14 days (Note: put in the post, not received by you).

  6. Most major sets of traffic lights in london and surrounding areas (thats where I live) have small black cameras ontop of them if you look up lol. But I've been through a couple (shame on me) and its been ok. I guess if nobody says anything and the cameras dont get checked.. or whatever they do to them then you are fine.

    Just try not to.. cameras in England are annoying, but thats usually the speed ones "/

    And I dont know where RODO is from but we have a better currency than the bloody euro :)

  7. I'm very glad i did not go through the green light when did not see the red.  take more care !!

  8. every set of lights dont have cameras. depends on how bad the traffic situation is. you can see the cameras. i know thats how it is in the US.

  9. you wont be caught unless its in a really busy area like middle of london or manchester relax

  10. no you wont unless it is one with a camera which is mainly in europe and cali and some other states but probably not  

  11. i live i England and it all depends on the area you were in and the density of the traffic. If you do get caught you'll probasbly get 3 points and £60 fine / $120 dollars to you.

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