
Went through temporary traffic lights when it had just turned red?

by  |  earlier

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Had someone on my tail and wasnt sure i had enough time to stop so went through. Noticed there was a black box sitting on the top (about the size of a shoe box) which looked like a camera with an ariel at the back. Didnt see any flash but really worried now.




  1. Stop worrying, it is not a camera, and you can not get points or a fine for temporary lights anyway, they are to assist traffic.

    You would get points and a fine if they were Mandatory lights

  2. The black box on top of the temporary traffic lights is the timing device - if there is no traffic on one side it will stay red, and let the traffic through on the other side.

    What you did was ILLEGAL.  You MUST stop for a red light, regardless of whether someone is closely tailing you - for all you know it could have been an unmarked police car.

  3. naughty naughty, cameras dont always flash, if you do get a fine just pay it because if you dont then it will get serious, its illegal to cross a red light.

    But if you crossed it when it was on yellow and about to change then it may not of spotted you, if the car behind had of done it then it might of.

    And also them cameras are usually speed cameras.

    Dont cut red lights temporary or not!

  4. The camera you have just described is to tell the lights when to change thats all, but the speed cameras are the yellow cameras and thats the ones that will get you for going thru on red.

    But you are perfectly safe with the temporary lights even I have done it a few times and nothing has happened.

    Good Luck and don't worry about it

  5. Don't worry. Temp lights do not have cameras on them and there is always a delay to allow for what you did although it is rather naughty (slap wrist).

  6. You are probably OK. Not on the jumping the lights bit. Red = STOP and someone behind you is no excuse - I tried it and failed once.

    But - The lights with cameras are normally signed and the cameras themselves are quite big. AND they flash. The box you saw is probably just a sensor.

    If you go onto your local police website, some of them have maps of where all their cameras are. See if the junction is on the map

  7. don't be most are fake and them that are real never have film in them, and how do they know you was not directed to  drive through by a police man that was standing near by

  8. Yes its just a black box so dont worry. However you might be interested to learn that amber means stop and red means no traffic beyond this point/may proceed (solid white line across your lane). That is why when plod stops you and you say it was on amber they'll have you. Alternatively if you ever see a police car at lights with is front wheels over the white line, then they are committing a traffic offence. I always think that green means 'its about to go to amber'.

    Hope this helps.

  9. Go along with all the other answers.BUT, you need to know what the law is regarding traffic lights. Solitary amber means stop.It is then added, unless it is unsafe to do so.The fact that these were temporary traffic lights does not negate your obligation and it is still possible to be fines/have points on your licence.

  10. Its only a fine mate if it was? chances are it wasn't? you may get points too? I jump em all the time if its clear...

  11. They don't always flash; many of them at traffic lights, including temporary lights, are streaming constant video so you may still get a summons/fine.

  12. It's a sensor which controls the lights

  13. I'm very sorry but you are now doomed. The authorities will send someone round to saw off one of your limbs...and you'll get three points on your licence. Try not to worry.

  14. you are probably o.k, I expect it was a road sensor and not a camera

  15. Don't worry it is only a sensor to activate the lights.

    Several years ago when I was a professional driver on the night shift I carried a torch in the cab if the light was on red  I would play the torch beam across the front of the sensor to make the lights turn green.

    I wonder if it still works I haven't tried it in years.

    Regardless to some of the comments above traffic light laws apply to legally installed temporary traffic lights

  16. It's just a traffic sensor so that it knows when cars are waiting at the lights during quieter periods, it's not a camera.

  17. yeah dont worry its just a traffic sensor its not a camera, it just monitors the traffic flow so it knows when to change the lights.

  18. Light Sensor so the camera knows when a car is approaching. Not illegal to go through them anyway frowned upon though but if the coast is totally clear its ok. You are a free man no jail time so don't worry sunshine.

  19. Ha I've been through red temporary lights numerous times never had a problem. I wouldn't worry about it they don't have cameras or anything, the back boxes were probably the sensors.

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