
Went to goa (part of india) last yr, why are there so much beggers there it reali does annoy me?

by Guest55627  |  earlier

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Went to goa (part of india) last yr, why are there so much beggers there it reali does annoy me?




  1. Well you Pratt. I'm sure everybody knows where Goa is. Try giving travelling a miss this year and get yourself on a literacy course.

  2. Ask the beggars! and correction its ".....many beggars" not "much beggars"!

  3. Why are there so many beggars?  Have you taken the faintest interest in India's economy and social structure?  What is it that 'annoys' you?  There are beggars in every country.  I tell you the worst thing I ever found was white American males (and females) going to India in the 1970s and having the audacity to BEG on cramped, dirty buses full of Indians.  When I challenged them I found that yes, they all had the escape route - they could ring up mummy and daddy and get the air fare and get out of there.

    I really do hope that your question is facetious - if it really is a serious question, you should be totally ashamed of yourself.  Stop going to anywhere and stay at home.

  4. Annoys you? Really, what a shame.....

  5. you don't merit any answer

    next time go to a desert

  6. Many people in India are poor. I went to India and there are a lot. They do not have good jobs in India. Just ignore them. If they come up to you look for a police cop. If there are a bunch of beggars in the same spot DO NOT GIVE ONE OF THEM MONEY. All the aother ones will annoy you much more.

  7. Don't go back then, I'm sure no one will miss you, save your money and take a course in basic English.

  8. So don't go! if u find there many beggars ......but plz don't say like this abt India....

    silly person!

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