
Went to hospital && its a BFP!!!!!!

by  |  earlier

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After 2 m/c's & just started ttc again for 5 months...Went to hospital tonight & both blood && urine tests were POSITIVE OMG we're so happy thanks for all the support & love & hope all ttc gave me...& my only advice is keep trying & dont lose hope & one thing that I KNOW HELPED US IS VITEX I do not care what any1 says about that but I know for a fact it helped us concieve & I've only been taking it for one month & thats seriously the thing I believe that helped us...BUT I DO HAVE A the hospital my HCG level was 78??? Is that good for the first month of pregnancy????? 2day is the day I was supposed to have my AF but missed it So....Please answer that!! Thanks a million & those ttc dont give uP! and please pray & wish us a healthy baby!




  1. Congratulations!! Have a happy, healthy pregnancy!!

  2. congrats hun!!! ttc here, 6 days late *fingers crossed* :)

  3. congrats

    i hav had 3 mc now and just got my bfp hope 4th time lucky... i was due on sun and had a blood test on sun and my hcg levels were up over 200 already...  yay

    good luck to us both

  4. you should stop taking the vitex now your pregnant and ask about progesterone to support your pregnancy.after 5 miscarriages myself its thought that the reason iam miscarring is due to my body not producing enough levels of progesterone and it is very your levels drop your body starts to reject the pregnancy and you miscarry but with help from synthetic progesterone in a pessery or injection form it CAN sustain what would be a failing pregnancy for the hcg which is progesterone in the body,a non pregnant woman is 0-5,5-10 is a possible pregnancy,and 10+ is pregnancy.from the moment of conception the level should double every 2-3 days.

    hCG levels during pregnancy

    (in weeks sincelast menstrual period)

    3 weeks LMP 5 - 50 mIU/ml

    4 weeks LMP 5 - 426 mIU/ml

    5 weeks LMP 18 - 7,340 mIU/ml  

    6 weeks LMP 1,080 - 56,500 mIU/ml  

    7 - 8 weeks LMP 7, 650 - 229,000 mIU/ml  

    9 - 12 weeks LMP 25,700 - 288,000 mIU/ml  

    13 - 16 weeks LMP 13,300 - 254,000 mIU/ml  

    17 - 24 weeks LMP 4,060 - 165,400 mIU/ml  

    25 - 40 weeks LMP 3,640 - 117,000 mIU/ml  

    non pregnant  55-200 ng/ml

  5. WOW!!! congrats!!! HCG level above 25 is normal for a pregnancy i beleive. dont worry.. you are surely preggers!!!! take care....

  6. Congrats!  Don't worry, all will go well!♥

  7. WOW  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Congratulation  :)    Baby  Dust  **************************





  8. I pray you have a healthy baby. Congrats

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