
Went to see my OBGYN today?

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Being that i am a week late i wanted to see her since ive never been late and never missed a period. . . WASTE OF A TRIP. .I know nothing more now than i did this morning or last week even. She said that there are many things that would make me miss a period. . Being pregnant one of them but since the urine test came back neg she said it may be to early to tell. . . she said I have to wait another two week and then test again she said she thinks I may have ovulated later than I thought. . . She also said that with her first she tested 5 days before missing a period but on her 2nd she tested 9 days after missing her period so she said its still to early. . ahhhh so annoying. . .




  1. Aww its hard not knowing, just wait a little longer and test again, or you could ask for a blood test because they show up earlier.

    Good luck and I hope you are =)

  2. Those are the doctors that I love the best... Just kidding.

    I personally would request a blood test so you will have the answer within hours. Some women do not show positive on a urine test for quite a bit of time. I was 6 weeks pregnant with my daughter and I was still not showing positive on a urine test for some reason but definitely positive with blood test and ultrasound to date pregnancy.

    Can you call her tomorrow and request a blood test? Or do you have a family practice that you can call? Best of luck to you!

    We are TTC #2 so I know how frustrating it can be.

  3. hang in there... i tested neg. with my son over 7 times and i was pregnant .. i trusted my gut!

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