
Went to the hookah bar and now i can't run as well?

by  |  earlier

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I went to the hookah maybe 3 or 4 times this summer and lately ive been running to keep myself in shape. The problem is that i notice a significant difference in my endurance. before i could run 4 or 5 miles before laboring now i could barely run 2 miles.

is it because of the hookah bars?

how long will it be before i can run to my full potential again?

am i in danger of developing a lung disease?

Thanks for your answers!




  1. I went to Chili's and had a margarita a few times. Am I in danger of liver disease?

    I smoke out of my hookah everyday, Go to lounges every now in then. I also do 12Kg Kettlebells for an hour everyday and walk my dogs everynight.

    It has nothing to do with 3-4 hookah sessions. I did that this week and had no problem doing my Turkish Getups or Swings or snatches.

    In respect to allicat4u2, she has been brainwashed by the fear instilling media. Her answer is about as justified as "s*x...there's so many things you can catch....s*x will kill you"

  2. Wow...hookah...a dangerous pastime.

    Sharing a hookah can result in TB (And some strains are not curable), Mono, Hepititis A, B, and C, Herpes, pneumonia, and even menigitis...think before you share drinks, smokes, or anything else...

  3. If you Google "hookah dangers", you will see that ONE session of hookah is equivalent to an ENTIRE pack of cigarettes.

    No wonder your endurance has hit the skids.........

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