
Were 'deniers' the ones running out to gather fish,as the Tsunami approached?

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When the Tsunami approached, the water pulled way back from the shoreline. Many ignorant folks ran out to gather the recently exposed fish. They all died! Why did they 'deny' the obvious? Is this the same mindset now with the AGW deniers? The talk about the 'benefits' of AGW, just like the 'benefits' of rapidly receding tide!




  1. You ansered your own question. It was ignorance. Many had no idea that the receding water meant that a tidal wave was coming. The fish meant food. It's that simple.

  2. By the same logic, the tide goes out every night so there is a tsunami every night.

  3. Would you please stop posting your rhetorical questions?

  4. Your question is rife with faulty logic. You say that ignorant folks ran to collect fish when the tide receded. That's probably true, as many people do not recognize this phenomenon as preceding a tsunami. You then go on to state that they denied the obvious. That's a logical fallacy: if a person lacks knowledge about something, it is neither obvious to them nor can they be in a state of denial.

    Suggesting that the same behavior is at work with AGW deniers doesn't make sense. A more parsimonious explanation for those who deny the seriousness of the global warming threat is that (1) they have something to benefit from global warming, or (2) addressing global warming will impose a financial hardship on them.  

  5. "When the Tsunami approached, the water pulled way back from the shoreline. Many ignorant folks ran out to gather the recently exposed fish. They all died! Why did they 'deny' the obvious? Is this the same mindset now with the AGW deniers? The talk about the 'benefits' of AGW, just like the 'benefits' of rapidly receding tide!"


  6. No, I'd have to say they were the smart ones.   They knew there was no way they could make it to safety in time (remember the guy who just stood there as the wave came in and crushed him?) so might as well see what the beach below low tide mark looked like first.   Same way now?    Might as well waste that fuel since they aren't able to adapt enough to survive in a drastically changed world?

  7. They denied the obvious because they suffer from a vitamin deficiency!!  The Linus Pauling Institute at OSU recommends a intake of at least 3000mg. of vitamin C each day!  Without vitamin C, you'll become ignorant!  They won't listen to Linus.  In addition to denial of AGW, they also deny Anthropogenic Plate Tectonics!  Houses are springing up all over Cali-fornie-IA!  Why would a person with sufficient vitamin C in their system want to own a home in Cali-fornie-IA?  I'll tell you....when the whole states sinks into the Pacific Ocean because of Anthropogenic Plate Tectonics, they figure they'll be able to swim as fast as the US Olympic team *without* the proven benefits of a diet high in vitamin C!  They are doomed!!

    Only 52 out of 100 scientists eat vitamin C, but that is OK.

    I make vitamin C juice with this....

  8. And AGW supporters would be somebody who dropped a jar of peanut butter the day before it hit.. and now swear they have proof that peanut butter causes tsunamis?

  9. Obvioiusly not.  I pity people that are so full of hate that they would even contemplate comparing poor ignorant people that died by a natural cause to those that are skeptical that the world is being destroyed the prosperity in the US but the left is ripe with people like that.

  10. Unlike the rest of the people here I see the point you are making and it is a brilliant comparison.....those that refuse to learn from their past are doomed to repeat their mistakes.....

    You are absolutely right in the fact that people will deny things right up until it kills them....climate change is as real as that wall of water was, yet it has more deniers than beleivers. If 1000 tsunami scientists, geologists and earthquake specialists told people that a tsunami was 99% likely to hit the area and destroy the coastline do you think any of them would have gone to gather fish or deny their claims? ABSOLUTELY NOT!

    Why is the climate crisis different? THe IPCC has been doing the science behind the climate and have concluded as to what the evidence is telling us....yet we go gather fish on the exposed shore bed....

    sorry for another cliche, but just one more:

    a journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step.

    Lets step towards the mountains and take action, not towards that wall of water coming to kill is not unlike the climate crisis

  11. I don't know why people weren't taught that a rapidly receding ocean means a large wave is coming, but it doesn't have any correlation to why people deny the Anthropogenic Global Warming theory.  

  12. Global warming promoters also seem to be ghouls.

    Everything there is a tragedy, they gleefully say "I told you so".

    It matters not what the tragedy is, they take credit for them all.

    These are the people we should trust?  I think not.

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