
Were American soldiers as immature in WWII as they are now?

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Just based on TV and movie depictions, it seems like American soldiers have declined in discipline gradually over time from WWII to Vietnam to now. It seemed like a very serious thing in WWII and then more crazy in Vietnam and now, completely sophomoric. Is it true or are these false depictions to make shows like "Generation Kill" mildly interesting despite any real action?

Is it the seriousness of the conflicts that accounts for this? WWII was an obligation to humanity, Vietnam not so much and the Iraqi war not at all... Is that it? Because as it seems, other countries' soldiers don't seem to have changed much in demeanor.




  1. Trust me, don't base your idea of the military on TV and movies. Who hates this country and military more than them? They are out to prove the military are idiots, and will stop at nothing in negative reporting while ignoring the positive stories. Just watch the news and see how the stories are presented, it's almost sickening.

  2. An awfully lot of that has to do with our Schools.  We are much much less educated now then ever before.  If you don't believe me check out all the terrible spelling and english most of the questions are put out.  We are not being taught to LOVE our country as we once were.  Chauvanisim is NOT very prevelant.. We need to get back to the PRIDE OF BEING AN AMERICAN again.

  3. One of the major changes is that during WWII, the media mostly gave war information in a more propagandist way.  I'm sure there were good and bad people, mature and immature people in WWII as well.  I do know that the soldiers were, on average, older in WWII than Vietnam, but I don't know any statistics comparing it to the Iraq war.

    Also, think about how we were just coming out of the Great Depression during WWII, which was a very serious time.  So, not only were the soldiers older, but they'd had to live through a lot already.  

    And, a third thing, is that we were attacked on our home soil during WWII.  I know that 911 was an attack on our homeland, but terrorist groups are much more complicated to rally against than another nation's military.  Not to mention, there wasn't as much global news coverage as today ... so when we found out the atrocities committed by the n**i's, it was very vindicating.  Now, with 24-hour, worldwide news coverage, it seems we are bombarded by depictions of inhumanity, which kind of blunts its effect on us, unfortunately.

  4. tell you the truth i think they were all immature, but ww2 gets respect, because it was a , as some ww2 vets say the only honorable war this country fought so far in the last century, they are sorta right.

    the recent wars give americans a bad name,  but i think americans want these wars because they are "physcos" and need the excuse,  yes, americans are really killers, who want to maim and kill and destroy,   as much as they say they don,t want war, they find it difficult to live without, and not just the economical aspects of war, which, really generates money,    no it is the aspects of killing and the sexiness of battle and all that, the "hand to hand"     there are people who want to lay down their lives for their country,      i would not step out of my way to do this,     i am a veteran, of the viet nam era, no combat, did not leave the usa but for a month to go to Germany,    two years in the usa, but my experience talking with veterans and civilians alike, i think americans like to have war, i am not putting down people who fought in these wars, but, it is very difficult to live with their kind of thinking, when they want only that kind of thinking to prevail,        and there is something about how they sacrificed for freedom, and the right for me to be free,         i don,t go along with this thinking entirely,        i don,t carry signs in the street, but i think they do not have the, perhaps brain power to do something else,

    they say, "war is h**l" but they like it and it is one of the only ways to be full of themselves,    and i guess it is a really heady experience to be a "hero"   but no heroes ever set out to be such,    so you have to hand it to them,    

    well i rambled here, and said nothing i guess, but ww2 was the tie breaker,   and then viet nam, and i guess now this war will have to have some recognition,   all these veterans who gave of themselves,        we can,t just dismiss them, read the

    Gettysburg address, it could bring tears to ones eyes,     what do you do with all these veterans,   call them immature,??? it is a difficult thing to do, when they have given their lives,  but as it goes on and on it makes people angry, and why can,t people find other solutions,  other than war,   okay, i said enough and probably didn,t answer the question,  (but people don,t want to give up war, because war is s**y)

  5. I dont find our soldiers immature. I find them to be heroic.

  6. Those people are putting their lives at stake completely of their own free will. How can you just sit there at your desk and call them immature?

  7. Soldiers are more a reflection of the cultures they come from, rather than the wars they fight. American soldiers are Americans, and reflect the population accordingly. Sad to say that our nation finds sophmoric, idiotic behavior a lot more acceptable than generations past. I still think you can find the best this country has to offer within the ranks of the men and women that make up our armed forces. Maybe it's what we have to offer isn't quite what it used to be, or maybe it's just like our TV culture, the idiots seem to get all the attention, and the good people doing good work are just too boring to make good TV.

  8. It's mainly due to 2 things. First, the way that our soldiers are being taught has gotten softer. Second, our great dope smoking, draft dodging ex president passed " a kinder, gentler military". This is what happens when the president has never served his country and has no experience with the military. To correct this problem, we need to toughen up the way we train our new recruits. We also need to amend the constitution to state that any one running for president must have served at least 4 years on active duty.

  9. they were more human, perhaps

    they had a harder time shooting to kill....the reserve of a concience was in them  still.........

    now a days soldiers are machines...killing feeling

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