
Were Biden's comments contradictory?

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He talked about getting up on your own two feet by yourself after being knocked down and after getting punched you should take action yourself. On the other hand Biden stands for the party that continues to give handouts left and right don't have to fight for themselves.




  1. Well, since you are distorting what the Democrats stand for in the details your question is therefore based upon a false premise and Biden's comments were not at all contradictory.

  2. More Flatulent.

    Much like the greek god he is subordinate under.

  3. It may seem contradictory but is just  a game of words or more like who are you talking to. The fact is that not all have the same opportunities, or skills to get up by themselves. Republicans think we should have concentration camps for those and democrats think they should be helped for the single fact they are Americans, a part of our society.

  4. Yes, but the whole convention has been one huge contradiction.  To think that for 8 months the democrats themselves have been telling us that Obama does not have the experience to lead this nation and then do a complete reversal in 3 days he somehow magically has transformed into an expienced Presidential Candidate.  I guess we need to send all our children to the Pepsi center for three days and teach them the leadership skills it takes to become the President of the United States. Maybe they can get with Pepsi and bottle it up.  We can call it, "Presidential Props."

  5. Very but the man is a polished politician and knows how to spin things..

  6. Biden is a clown who talks out of both sides of his mouth.  

  7. Not every government program is a "handout."  I enlisted and recieved the GI Bill- government money for college.  I worked hard for that money and reaped the rewards in the form of a degree.

    I am proud to vote Obama-Biden, two men who voted for the GI Bill for the 21st century.  The same bill that John McCain couldn't be bothered with.

  8. Very true. You have no incentive to better yourself if the government will bail you out of all your shortcomings, at the expense of those who do work hard.

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