
Were Blacks the first people to evolve from simians?

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Does this explain their simian features?




  1. Sorry no, Blacks didn't evolve from monkeys.  

    The oldest human remains have been found by scientists and archaeologists in Africa.  So if Blacks were the 1st humans and you are saying we look like monkeys, if all other humans evolved from us, what would you say you look like then?

  2. Blacks or whites, nor people for that matter, did not evolve from simians. There was an similiar line of evolution not the same.

  3. You have a linear view of evolutionary progress and I would not know where to begin educating you on evolution. So, I will not even try.

  4. The first modern human is called HOMO SAPIEN which blacks (Negroes) are included!  So blacks are modern humans.

  5. No, in fact, they still haven't.

  6. This is a totally racist thing to say, first of all.

    Evolutionarily speaking, we are all the same distance away from our ape cousins.  Genetically we have the same DNA making up our cells.  There are just different features that were for whatever reason advantageous in different regions.  However, 99% of the variation in the human population is WITHIN regions, and not between them.

  7. The first hominid was found  in Africa. It iwas called the Taung Baby because his teeth and front magnon fossils indicated that he was a baby 3 million years ago. So, from Africa the homo genus had traveled to Asia, Australia, and New World.

    There are theories that explain that modern homo sapiens left Africa, went to Europe and replace every homo sapiens with modern traits by killing them or completing them. Then, these homo sapiens come back to Africa and mate with African archaic hominids. This is called the Complete Replacement theory. But Partial Replacement says that we started modern in Africa, we left and mated with somebody else, and stayed there combining with another archaic hominids. The Multiregional Evolution claims that we continue the evolution by gene flow. We didn't became modern in any specific place. We modernize by mating and adapting to different environments.

    These theories agree that the genus homus first appeared in Africa, so this means that we all have an ancestor from Africa.

    That's why if you are white you can have more similar traits with black people than with your own relatives.

    People have different characteristics because those traits were needed in order to survive. For example, to reject solar damage you need a darker skin. Simple like that. We all come from the same race, it's called HUMAN RACE. Racism has been invented to dominate people and justify discriminative policies.


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