
Were Cesar's last words knew ordering a pepperoni pizza was a mistake?

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Were Cesar's last words knew ordering a pepperoni pizza was a mistake?




  1. No - but he regretted eating a couple of them (' tu Brute')!

  2. Ceasar's last words, according to one W Shakespeare esq, were "Et tu, Brute!" I don't recall any mention by any of the Latin historians about a takeaway being ordered by the Senate.

    Isn't Cesar a dog food or chain of Californian restaurants? Lol!

  3. No, no, no!

    I have it on good authority that his last words were "What? No anchovies?!"

  4. Cesars last words were not you et it to brute. but et to brute!

    But who nows it might have been a particularly bad pizza , and they all got into a bad temper as he supplied it .

  5. Was your question a mistake?

  6. Every one knows that Julius Caesar's last words, on seeing Brutus stab him, were 'And you, you Brute!' (Et tu, Brute.)

  7. Infamy! Infamy! They've all got it in for me!


  8. need to know ur historical facts. ur question seems a joke

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