
Were Kings Shaul, David and Solomon the kings of Israel?

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Very good mark.....and where were those kingdoms situated?




  1. The period of Shaul, David and Solomon is known as the United Monarchy because they ruled over all twelve tribes of Israel.  Mark is mistaken. The division into the kingdoms of Israel and Judah (not Judea - that was the Roman name for the province) occurred after Solomon's death, during the reign of his son Rehavam (Rehoboam).


    Jurgen to the contrary, since (1) according to Christian belief, Jesus is descended from David, and the books of Samuel and Kings are part of the Christian Bible, and (2) Daoud and Suleiman are revered by Muslims, I'd say that these personages are rather important to a very substantial portion of humanity.

  2. indeed they were. Unless of course mark decided otherwise...


  3. According to jewish mythology,which doesn't really interest 99% of humanity.

    The archeologists have been and gone and these people and alleged kingdoms obviously never existed.

  4. Yes, they were the only three Kings who ruled over a United Israel. The King split in the reign of Rehoboam, Solomon's Son. The United monarchy reached it's greatest extent under David and Solomon..

  5. This is not historical fact,it is tribal legend,nothing more. Had any of these alleged kings existed the neighboring empires would surely have recorded their activities,which according to their own account were almost entirely devoted to genocide,a tendency that tends to attract attention. It has as much historical validity as the Epic of Gilgamesh.

  6. No they were Kings of Judea and not Israel in Samaria.

    For those who do not know the Jewish history there were 2 kingdoms one is called Judea  and one is called Israel .

    The kingdom of Israel went against G-D laws.

    Money I gave you the thump up.

  7. Herodtus wrote around 500 B.C. and was clearly intimately familiar with the region. There are no references to a jews,hebrews,still less to any jewish kings. The hebrew "history" is an utter fraud.

    There are many references to Palestine and Syria.

  8. Mesha King of Moab even writes on a stone tablet that he was in opposition against The House of David, which is certain proof when your enemy admits your existence!

  9. Shaul, David and Solomon are fictitious characters invented by sick minds when the earth was still flat and G-d used to descend from heavens to kill humans to make his chosen ones happy.. my my.

  10. ......yes they were kings hundred of years ago, first King Saul, next King David then followed by King Solomon......There were 2 divisions of Israel from the 12 tribes, sons of Jacob. Siblings were divided into 2: tribe of Judah (Judah, Simeon, Levi and Benjamin) and tribe of Israel (the remaining 8 siblings)......

  11. Yes, they are the kings of Greater Israel which encompassed present-day Israel, West Bank, and Jordan.

  12. yeah.  Saul was the first king.  God was not thrilled.  David was his replacement.  Solomon is after that.

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