
Were all the panets formed at the same time??

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  1. Kind of, within a few million years of one another anyway. The solar system formed out of a cloud of dust and gases that collapsed under gravity (probably after being disturbed by a nearby supernova). The sun began to form in the centre of the cloud, while other clumps of matter also began to accrue under electrostatic and eventually gravitational forces. As these clumps attracted one another and stuck together, the early planets began to form. Once the sun reached sufficient mass and density to sustain nuclear fusion, its solar winds "blew" away the rest of the dust and gas which left behind about 100 smallish planetary "embryos" in the inner solar system. Over time these mini planets also began to group together as they collided and merged. Each of the planets have different and eventful histories of their formation; the early Earth was probably hit by another large (Mars-sized) body which blew out a ring of matter that formed into our unusually large moon; Mercury lost most of its outer layers in either a similar impact or through evaporation, accounting for its comparatively large core and thin mantle. The solar system would have been quite a chaotic place to be in its early years!

  2. what is panets plzz tell me

    if u mean planets then the ans is no

    it tuk time 4 them 2 take the shape they today r in

    evrey lump of matter ws not equally attracted by the sun's gravitation

    so all got formed at different time thought it might have been small in context of universe

    but for us it wud b very very very large

  3. Panets?   You might want to learn how to spell before you start thinking about formations of things.

    I'm guessing you mean planets...

    To answer your question, yes they were... at least that's what I believe in.

  4. Which solar system are we talking about? This one. OK.

    Formed? Some of them may still be forming. If an asteroid crashes into Jupiter, is that planet still "forming"? Probably.

    Same time? What sort of time scale are we talking about? Millions of years? Probably, yes, in the broadest sense of the question. Not in a day, anyway, if that's where your'e going.

  5. I'm not positive but I don't think so.

  6. I think the answer you're looking for (in the discipline of SCIENCE and not religion) is yes, roughly.  All planets in our system are between 4.5 and 5 billion years old.  They formed in the same era and are contemporary of each other.


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