
Were any credible software items produced for the Collins submarine since 1993 ?

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(I'm not suggesting there weren't, I'm just posing the question.)

Would there have been a chain of custody for any credible items produced for the Collins submarine computerization effort ?

The book "Collins Class Submarine Story: Steel, Spies and Spin"

lists at least 173 key people, perhaps many more.

If there was a chain of custody, would you find it odd if the key people weren't involved ?

Above question is prompted by the bizarre thought : <<If, during a time window of opportunity, charlatans had seized control of the project, would there be nothing credible done during that time window, and no credible chain of custody of any credible items produced during that time window ?

So would it be fairly easy to identify said charlatans ? (Just look for a time window in the project when nothing credible was produced - could be years -could be decades).>>

I'm not suggesting this bizarre thought is true, simply that there need to be catalogues of catalogues of information, showing what exists.




  1. Have you considered that the information exists outside of the public domain?  Just because you can&#039;t find something doesn&#039;t mean that it doesn&#039;t exist.

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