
Were any live female births at elmhurst hospital on 06-23-89 given for adoption?

by  |  earlier

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the hospital is in illinois




  1. If you're talking about the Elmhurst Hospital in NY you could look up the births at the library on 42nd Street.

    Let me know if you need help with this

  2. I was given up for Adoption in 1989. My name is Sherry.

  3. Not me,

    But why are you asking?

    Just wondering

  4. The likelihood of you finding the specific girl you're looking for on here is slim... who knows if she'll ever even see this question, even if she IS on Y!A.

    Someone recommended this site to me.  I haven't found anyone on it, but I DID create a profile for my self in the event my mother or a sibling decide to try and find me.

    if you type in the info you know, you may be able to find what you're looking for.  I suggest you create a profile too, just in case she's looking for you.

    Best wishes and good luck!

    -------------eye roll---------------

    uuugh.  You must be getting so frustrated.   (especially when people answer your question with  'der I dunno, why ya askin'?)

    Go ahead and e-mail me.  I'd like to talk to you outside of the Y!A forum and the prying eyes of stupid... which has infected everywhere on this site.

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