
Were any of you raised in a house that you would visit as a spirit after you died??

by  |  earlier

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I mean if you hadn't gone to Heaven yet or found your family.




  1. hey denie, youve got a surprise

    would i visit my home after i died...well depends on what the rules are on the other side, then it would depend on who was still left behind....just quitely i think id love to be with some of the saints, especially mary... if no one was left behind that i cared about, i dont think i would come back to the house...i would rather be with them, where ever they might be...then also id love to try and visit someone i know, just to freak them out a little, when the shoe is on the other foot, so to speak....i would like to know what its like being on the other proberly get so frustrated that they would not pick up on anything........mary christmas denie....have you noticed how i write mary, instead of merry....since it was marys special day 2000 years ago......

  2. If I died my spirit would probably spend most of the time in my house, it probably goes for most spirits too.

  3. i wouldn't go back to the house I was RAZED in if it were the doorway to heaven

  4. Most Defiently and even if when you find your way to heaven/otherside, Spirit realm etc.  i believe when you die you have free will to go and please as wish basically earthly visitation as a spirit :)

    *my opinion*

    Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~

  5. My mother promised to come back and haunt my father forever, but she didn't.  I don't think it's a choice you get.

  6. Sorry to tell you this but there are no spirits, so you can hardly decide to go and haunt something after you are dead.

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