
Were can I get "policeman vs fireman" puppets???

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I love the "policeman vs fireman" videos - LMAO! Anyway, anyone know where to get the puppets? I tried the homepage for "P.V.F.", no puppets. I tried goggle search but all I get are hits for the youtube videos etc... Don't know if they are available, but if anyone knows where to get them, thanks.

Anyone else enjoy these videos? I think they are up to Pt. 9! First 3 are the best.

Oh, and to all our REAL Police and Firefighters: Thanks to BOTH of you.




  1. Generally, a puppet presented on TV, film or on stage is copyrighted, and unless sold as merchandise, you won't find any replicas sold. If you want something for decoration, then check out whether or not there is merchandise available:

    If you want a puppet for a performance, then I suggest you come up with your own designs and either make it yourself or commission a puppet maker. (Puppet makers can and do refuse to make replicas of copyrighted designs)

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