
Were can I purchase hissing cockroaches? I just need two or 3?

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I have a bearded dragon, does anyone know were I can buy them? any online sited you know of? let me know thanks!




  1. What does the bearded dragon have to do with hissing cockroaches? You can get them at a lot of places, try calling some pet stores in the area, I've been able to get some that way. There are a few places online you can find them, try for a start, it has some decent links. Hissing cockroaches are cool, I had one when I was a kid. Fantastic pet. Just be sure to get all the same s*x unless you want them to breed, in which case you should know the males have more prominent bumps on their "heads" than the females.

    You can buy 2 or 3 at a time. I bought 1.

  2. I doubt any of the online breeders will only ship two or three. You usually need to buy a decent amount. Are you just feeding them to the beardie or do you plan on breeding them? Two or three isn't enough to set up a good breeding colony. Start with about 20 or 30. Large numbers of them can easily live in a small space and they're incredibly esy to care for. If you keep them clean and remove any uneaten food, they really don't smell. And feeder cockroaches are actually higher in protein and lower in fat than crickets. And they have a higher meat-to-shell ratio.

    This guy is a reputable breeder of cockroaches. He sells 100 hissers for $45, which is a pretty good price.

    Here's some good info on different feeder and pet roaches:

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