
Were can i buy a Ouija Board from? (In Uk)

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Does anyone know a shop they sell them in Wigan (preferably near the centre) or a shop that sells them that is in most towns (E.g Argos)

I have looked everywere and i just can't find them. I made my own which doesnt work but wierd stuff happened.And if your going to say Burn it or something your wasting time posting because i know that bad stuff can happen and i already wake alot at night and have strange things happen in my house that's why i know it will probably work =]




  1. There are verry verry few shops anyware that sell you have to use the internet.

  2. Have you tried Wal-Mat?  Meijers?  Target?  K-Mart?  They all sell them.  Its just massed produced cardboard.

  3. Do you desire to be spiritually possessed, to communicate with the dead, to obtain knowledge and wisdom of the dark?  Try a few research on "ouija" before ruining your life and of those around you.

    But, if your ardent desires cannot be prevented, surely wait for a knock on your door for "someone from the dark" shall show you where as it was made for you.  

  4. i don't know try online maybe to ebay or amazon

    don't play that game in your own house it's very dangerous you should go to a hotel or something never in your house espessialy in your room

  5. You have not seen or experienced bad yet, but keep it up "you will".

  6. Most department stores that sell toys or board games also sell ouija boards.  Here that would be Walmart, Toys R Us, Target, K-Mart, etc., so check similar stores in your area.  If that fails, you can certainly find lots of them on ebay or at  

  7. I know it can be fun to play that kind of stuff, but just don't do it.  lol.  Seriously, though.  SO MANY of my brothers and sisters played that at my old house, and because of it, that house was haunted like crazy.  These things saying things to you are demons, and they can't seriously answer your questions truthfully.  They called my sister a s**t when she was a virgin.  So, you will be messing around just to get a house full of ****, and they won't leave.  You can bless your house, you can spray holy water all over, and they won't be gone for long.  Don't enter things into your home for no good reason.  Trust me.  :)   stranger things will happen.  You are just asking for much much more.  

  8. OK if you want to defy what you can already see happening then go ahead and get that witchboard if you must.  They do work but they also open doors that should remain shut and sealed.  It is not a joke or a game dear. The wierd stuff is just the beginning and you and your family could be seriously hurt by what you are already in contact with.  You really need to stop playing around and get rid of the board but since you do not want to hear that I also suggest that you say some strong prayers for the safety ofyour mind body and soul.  You play with fire, you will get burned, badly.  I know what I am talking about and urge you to listen.

  9. Ok they are kinda like drugs, they are not gonna be in a shop where you can just pick it up and take it to the counter and pay for it.

    I know away of using it with out buyin it but for reasons, i will not say.

    Bad things happen, demons can come through. Please do not use one. You say strange things happen in your house, you use one and WORSE things happen. Poltigiests (soz for spellin error) can harm people and sometimes kill them so PLEASE do not use one. PLEASE DONT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  10. Why in h**l would you want one? You must be lover of evil and demons. I don't envy you!

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