
Were can i find a large print catholic bible in oceanside,CA?

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I need to get a large print catholic leather bible by the 30th of july (for my mom's birthday) a place online your a store close to oceanside, ca




  1. a bookstore lol

  2. I don't know what stores are in your area, but any Borders or Barnes and Noble should be able to check their distributor's website for what you need and special order it.  I know for a fact that the distributor Ingram has a fantastic site that allows book dept. employees to fine tune a bible search for exactly what you need and in most cases can actually pull up a picture of the bible, too.  Usually their special orders can come in within a week.  Otherwise, a local Catholic bookstore can either carry or special order one for you.

  3. Try Family Bookstores is another possibility.

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