
Were can i get a book on japanese fighting fish?

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I want to get one of these fish but I need to learn how to take care of them.




  1. Nowhere. There's no such thing as a Japanese Fighting Fish.

    If, however, you're looking for books or info on the Siamese Fighting Fish, AKA betta, then there's plenty of info out there. You can find books pretty much anywhere, including book stores, Amazon, Ebay, etc.

    There are also a lot of web sites out there with good info. I've included a few.

  2. Borders, Barnes & Nobles, Books-a-million. Any of these stores should have books on Bettas. If not, they can order them for you, provided you have the name of one in mind.

    You can also check out

  3. look at your local pet stores and book stores they should have information on bettas

  4. first off... its SIAMese fighting fish. and second, Coles, Barnes and Nobles, Chapters... basically anywhere. you may alos want to check out different sites=] OH, remember no matter what any book says bettas are happiest in a tank of atleast 5gallons with gentle filter and heater!!=] they also need variety in their diets too... like bloodworms, tubifex, brine shrimp, etc. GOOD LUCK!!=]

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