
Were did the native Americans originate?

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my research tells me that they came from a small land mass joining the western most point of russia and the north eastern corner of alaska which got washed over after the ice age but does anyone have any other information.




  1. it's generally accepted that they came from central asia, crossed into the Americas via Bering Strait landbridge and spread southwards eventually reaching the southern tip of Chile

  2. I think you are correct I believe it was the Bering Sea that was the crossing point as it was covered in ice at that time (thousands of years ago)

    With the invention/discovery of DNA by a British scientist(s) it has been possible to identify common DNA shared by people from races all over the planet.  I think they identified peoples DNA emigrating from Asia to USA via a ship as immigrants and found that we had already some of their relatives in the USA (native Americans) who had come over the landlocked seaway thousands of years ago-- how cool is that.

  3. Traditionally they came from Far east Siberia/China. They crossed the Bering Straits to Alaska during the time that there was still a land bridge.

    Some settled on their journey south and others continued their journey. The Aztecs had a legend that they should settle when they saw an eagle with a snake in its mouth. Hence the emblem on the Mexican flag. Some went east and south and became the Mayans. Others continued their journey south and became the Incas in what is now Peru.

    When I showed my photographs of Vietnamese children to whom I had taught English in Hong Kong, to a Nicaraguan friend, she immediately said, 'They could be Nicaraguan 'Indios.'

    What I don't understand, is why the Aztecs, Mayans and Incas built fantastic constructions, yet in Canada  and the USA they left no historical remains.

  4. this is true

  5. The land bridge theory  is being questioned, it being pointed out that it only existed in fairly recent times (geologically) - about 10,000 - 8,000 years ago. Had it been crossed it would heave been impossible to progress further south due to the ice sheet covering the whole of Canada. Also the time does not allow for the numbers of different languages spoken amongst Native Americans to have developed

  6. Croydon.

  7. there was originally a land bridge from siberia to america. the native indians migrated with the buffalo, where there food and tools came from. they would go from siberia into americca, and then back later on, however the land bridge collapsed, leaving the nomadic plains indians in america.

  8. When people originally people migrated from Africa. The nomads split out and some went to Asia and the others went to Europe (especially what is now France and Spain). After many years people began to migrate more and crossed something called the Bering Strait. It was most likely a glacier connecting Russia and Alaska. The nomads then came down through Canada into America. So this is why Native Americans are also related to the Eskimo, Inuits, etc.

  9. Well one of the latest theories is that they came from both western Europe (maybe including western tip of Russia) and from eastern Russia i.e. Siberia.  Looks like they crossed the ice mass whilst surviving by fishing and hunting whales and seals - just like the Eskimos.  They settled on the west and east coast of America, and spread out until they met somewhere in the middle!

  10. Things like that will probably never be answered with certainty.

    Although I often wonder why people are so obsessed with "where they came from" and not anyone else. And who's to say others didn't come FROM them instead and migrated out in the opposite direction?

  11. Read this bit of news on this link, it may be useful, I could

    have claimed it was knowledge from myself, but didn't..

  12. I think they are all descedants of nomadic Asians.  

    Really I occasionally see a latino, near a person of Asian descent and they are obviously cousins (in lineage) to me.

    Your theory may br truee, but i think they are by products of Mongolian culture as well.

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