
Were do I put the Boy Guinea-Pigs when Born If i dont have another cage???

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This is my 1st Guinea pig and i already went over my spending limit by 70 somethin dollors




  1. Both the male and female baby guinea pigs must stay with the mother for nursing at least for three weeks after they are born. After three weeks you need to remove the males so they dont impregnate the mother and siblings. If you do not have enough money saved for a cage right away, you can use a large laundry basket with air holes very temporairly until you save a little more money. Guinea pig cages should be as large as possible. Cages should have a solid plastic or wood bottom. No mesh wire bottom cages. Guinea pigs especially small ones can injure their legs and toes in the wire. Cages should have open airways. No fish aquariums. Also remember not to use cedar bedding the aroma is great but it causes respitory problems in guinea pigs. You can use pine bedding if you air it out for a while before putting it in their cages,or if you have open barred cages so the pine can air out you will be ok. Shredded paper bedding is the best but costly if you have more then one cage to clean. Good luck with the pigs.

  2. You could buy a large rubbermaid container and put some shavings in if you don't have cats or anything, Anything taller than your piggie will keep it in, you can get some screen and make a partion in your cage too if thats easier.. Make sure they are weened and ok to take froom there mom first though.. I think it's somewhere about 2 months. But check a website to be sure I havent had baby guineas for prolly about 10 years.

  3. Definately remove the males at exactly 21 days. You can make an inexpensive cage. Go to:

    While there, look at how to baby proof the cage.

  4. You put the males in with the farther or............

    Put them in a box that contains= hay or newspaper scapes.

    If not then make a barrier inside or out side (outside is perferd) and make shelter and ofcourse bedding and maybe old cloths if nesaserie.

    Good Luck!

  5. Give them to a pet store after they are old enough to be seperated from the mother of you arent keeping them. Or you can try to adopt them out but I dont know where you will put them unless you have a small cage or something for them.

  6. get a large cardboard box and put them in that or in your bath

    you can normally get a cradboard box from a local ffod shop pet shop or garden centre

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