
Were do you put pressur to fal asleep?

by  |  earlier

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please teel me were




  1. The best way to fall asleep is just to relax, think pleasant thoughts, and lie in a comfortable position.

    Pressure and stress will keep you awake, try to put them out of your mind.

  2. try about 10 mg of Melatonin, you can get it and any vitamin store. That whole Spock valcan grip thing ain't real dude.  If you try to knock out somebody by force, you have  a good chance of killing them.  Stuff you see on TV and the movies is fake.  making someone unconscious against the law.

  3. No, I *wanted* to fall asleep.

  4. John S. is right about Melatonin. It's a hormone. I'll see if I can find you a link. You can buy it over the Drs. recommend it for kids going back to school after summer vacation. And, people take it when they change time zones.

    Just google it for more info.

  5. usually a large amount of pressure to the head very quickly will induce sleep.  Try using a bat or a bottle.  Usually it's easier to have someone else apply the appropriate amount of pressure, especially if you appropriately enrage them first by confessing inappropriate sexual activities you've had with females extremely close to them.

  6. The best way to do it is not at all! You can kill your self or leave your self mentally challenged a old Friend of mine didn't make it so the best advise is just not to do it.

  7. There are pressure points that martial artists use to put someone to sleep. This is not suggested unless you have been trained in the safe use of this technique.


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