
Were do you see the world 50 years from now because of global warming?

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Were do you see the world 50 years from now because of global warming?




  1. wetter, hotter

    What i see as the problem is

    we keep fixing the blame

    rather than addressing the problem.

    Global flooding makes a manned moon mission look tame by comparison

    OK lets move manhattan lock stock and barrel

    100 miles inland

    every major coastal city?


    theres nothing we can do about it

    It would cause  massive dislocations, AAAHH  i know thats a cop out! but? where will you forage for food... if you cant stroll down the street and have it sold to you.?

    time is precious..we can survive it if we apply ourselves. we have the muscle. not the will

    have a beer and get past it :)

  2. I doubt it will warm significantly. The current levels of the sun's output are unlikely to stay the same, and are expected to decrease somewhat dramatically before the 50 years are up.

    Also, this solar cycle is running unusually long, and because of that the next cycle is expected to be much less active. That translates to cooler weather for the next cycle.

  3. All I can say is the world 50 years from now?  I don't know if the earth will even exist or at least exist as we know it.  I just read more large icebergs and glaciers are melting and melting fast.

    I'll feel more optimistic if Barack Obama is elected U.S. President.  If not, we are pretty much doomed.

  4. No difference due to global warming other than a 3 inch rise in sea level if it continues. Who knows it could be cooler by then.

  5. Because of belief in AGW the entire world will be ruled by the UN, but everyone will be dirt poor because the Kyoto protocol cost too much. Of course, it did nothing to cool the earth, but the environmentalists had their way so we ride horses and buggies, eat only vegetables grown in the back yard, and die at age 29.

    In the meantime, the threat of global warming will have long ago passed and everyone will be preparing for the coming ice age.

  6. Right now we are the slow boiling frog in the pot that won't jump out. Because nothing dramatic happens all at once, skeptics will always have a way to deny it. So 50 years from now hopefully skeptics will have completely caved in (I believe they will within the next 5-10 years actually), after we see the effects of warming in loss of ecosystems, more unusual changes in regional weather, and unexpected problems that few people have considered. Ski resorts will go bust. Major water shortages will be seen due to decreased snow pack in some places, disease, famine, plague, and the republicans will not want to spend money on new infrastructure. Many will think Jesus is coming soon. Al Gore will be seen as a brave prophet and people like Rush Limbaugh will be denounced by history as buffoons and charlatans.

  7. hopefully nothing bad but i honestly just don't wanna think about it its too horrific for me no nature , no anything worth seeing

  8. i will be lucky if i make past 2012

    but this may not be for the reasons listed below.

    The rumors of the end of the world are false ,they are mistranslations of astrological projections and meant the end of an Age ,not the end of the world.


    2012 is the New Age of Aquarius,

    what makes you so optimistic

    Have you not heard of the Apocalypse

    a possible shifting of the poles

    Nibiru passing to close to the earth causing giant tidal waves

    The American nuclear war for Global control

    or even Global warming

    or another ice Age

    take your pick

    We could possibly have a world with far less people and no electricity by then .

    Looking on the bright side

    i think it will be a lot warmer with far more Environmental problems and famine as well as potable water shortage.

    And much more political control ,we may be into the new World order by then.

  9. Hopefully a little bit warmer. More technology.

  10. I'll be dead by then , so I don't care.

  11. Well I believe in people, so I think it will be a lot better. Solar & stuff.

  12. In 50 years?? Overcrowded, gas prices up to 10 bucks a gallon, a lot would be under water, and of

    I heard that in about 50 years, New York will have Georgia's climate.

  13. Eh, truthfully i dont think much will be different than from today. Of course it will be warmer, and we will have stronger storms, and a bit more pollution. And the ice glaceiers will melt a little more. Sea level will rise. But other than that. Eh. We shall see i suppose.

  14. We hope it will be warmer.  If it is colder it won't have as much capacity for life.  

    Warmer is better.  Advancing glaciers are not really good for human habitat.

  15. under water

  16. In a deep freeze.

  17. I hope about the same temp or warmer. It will really suck if we are at the end of the interglacial period.

  18. I see increased agricultural production in Canada and Siberia to feed the world's increased population.

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