
Were do you think the mac-cans can go from here its such a big world out there?

by  |  earlier

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wouldnt it be great if a possitive lead came along for them.




  1. It would be great.

  2. they have to go on for the sake of their other children...they did a great awareness campaign but the longer it goes on the less likely it is she will be found

  3. I think they should go and search for their daughter.

  4. SHE'S DEAD!

  5. Very sad isnt it..what can they do but live in hope, i think most people are of the opinion that the little darling is no longer with us, maybe one day and lets hope its soon, something positive comes out of this but as time goes on it seems very dire...........God Bless little Maddie  X

  6. mac-cans.


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