
Were does Murcury come from??

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I have resently herd about the possibillity of there being More toombs like the terracatta Army, one of which has a mote made of murcurry?

I was wondering were murcury came from?




  1. the planet geez

  2. The ore of mercury is Cinnabar. It is a red mineral containing  mercury sulphide.

  3. Mercury is the innermost and smallest planet in the solar system, orbiting the Sun once every 88 days. Mercury is bright when viewed from Earth, ranging from −2.0 to 5.5 in apparent magnitude, but is not easily seen as its greatest angular separation from the Sun (greatest elongation) is only 28.3°: It can only be seen in morning and evening twilight. Comparatively little is known about it; the first of two spacecraft to approach Mercury was Mariner 10 from 1974 to 1975, which mapped only about 45% of the planet’s surface.The second was the MESSENGER spacecraft, which mapped another 30% of the planet during its flyby of January 14, 2008. MESSENGER will make two more passes by Mercury, followed by orbital insertion in 2011, and will survey and map the entire planet.

    Physically, Mercury is similar in appearance to the Moon. It is heavily cratered, has no natural satellites and no substantial atmosphere. It has a large iron core, which generates a magnetic field about 1% as strong as that of the Earth.[6] It is an exceptionally dense planet due to the large size of its core. The surface temperatures on Mercury range from about 90 to 700 K (−180 to 430 °C), with the subsolar point being the hottest and the bottoms of craters near the poles being the coldest.

    Recorded observations of Mercury date back to the Sumerians in the third millennium BC. Before the 4th century BC, Greek astronomers believed the planet to be two separate objects: one visible only at sunrise, which they called Apollo; the other visible only at sunset, which they called Hermes. The English name for the planet comes from the Romans, who named it after the Roman god Mercury, which they equated with the Greek Hermes. The astronomical symbol for Mercury is a stylized version of Hermes' caduceus.

    The earliest mentions of Mercury come from the Sumerians of Mesopotamia during the 3rd millennium BC.[citation needed] They used many names to designate the planet, including one transcribed as UDU.IDIM.GU4.UD ("the jumping planet").The Babylonians (2000–500 BC) succeeded the Sumerians, and early Babylonians may have recorded observations of the planet. Although these have not survived, later Babylonian records from the 7th century BC refer to much earlier records. The Babylonians called the planet Nabu after the messenger to the Gods in their mythology.

    The ancient Greeks of Hesiod's time knew the planet as Στίλβων Stilbon ("the gleaming") and Hermaon. Later Greeks called the planet Apollo when it was visible in the morning sky and Hermes when visible in the evening. Around the 4th century BC, however, Greek astronomers came to understand that the two names referred to the same body. The Romans named the planet after the Roman messenger god, Mercury (Latin Mercurius), which they equated with the Greek Hermes.

  4. Mercury is generally obtained from the ore Cinnabar. See:

    which has a good description of the ore and the process for obtaining mercury

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