
Were female monarchs less likely to cause war, hope for peace someday. power is power. did courts control?

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Were female monarchs less likely to cause war, hope for peace someday. power is power. did courts control?




  1. i think most queens would go to war if they had to. Hatshepsut, Cleopatra, boudica,all went to war when the ocassion demanded.  Some queens have been immensely ruthless in getting rid of their enemies, like th eempress Wu of china in the 7th century Ad for example. Some queens in history have been immensely cruel and bloodthirsty, like mad Queen Ravanola of Madagascar for example.  There have been so few queens regnant in comparison with the number of kings that it is a little hard to tell, but from what I have read of history, queens will go to war as readily as kings if it is in their interest.

  2. No different.

    Witness- Elizabeth Bathory.

  3. Queen Elizabeth was a great ruler and was right up there with the best of them. During her rule she defeated the Spanish Armada who was a world power of the Seas.She defended her country and she controled the courts.Female Monarchs are just as capable of ruling a country as a King.War costs money and is bad for trade so that would contribute to keeping the peace but if the Queen's country,people or her power were at risk she would not hesitate to go to war. And that was her job.Kings and Queens have the same job training,some were better than other's

  4. I think not...I think women in power are much more vindictive and power mad than men...

  5. Nope, about the same.  Bodicea, Elizabeth I, Catherine of Russia, Elizabeth II (Falklands, Ireland, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Iraq),

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