
Were horses made to run?? and if not then what for and do they eat sugar??and do people eat horse?

by  |  earlier

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can't find theses answers on what makes them attack people??could they kill you with one kick??




  1. FOOL

  2. Thoroughbed horses are bred to run and they like to run.

    Horses do like sugar, carrots and grass, but the main items they eat are oats and hay.

    Some people do eat horse meat for food but  mainly in some European countries from what I have been told.

    Most horses will not attack people unless they have been treated badly but you do have to respect their power and be careful around them.

    Many horses are friendly but not overly so like a dog and yes a kick from a horse can and has killed a human.

    This usually happens when something scares  a horse and a human just happens to be with the horse or working on him.

    I hope this answers your question about horses although I am not really an expert on them.I used to spend some time in the summers in the barn areas at racetracks.

  3. yes they were made to run, and they do eat sugar.andyes some people eat horses, but the most important thing for you to know is that they attack idiots for asking dumb questions in the horse racing section.     go to the idiots section

  4. Thoroughbred horses are bred to run and they do enjoy it. Horses like sugar but it really isn't good for them. Yes, in come cultures, people do eat horse meat. Theoretically, one well placed kick say, to a person's head, could be fatal. But that would be very rare for a person to die from a horse kicking them. Horses don't normally try to attack people but breeding stallions can get a bit aggressive and and mares with foals get protective of them. If a horse is very scared and feels trapped he could lash out to protect himself. Still, as a domesticated animal, horses don't generally want to harm people.

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